Quebec Curfew: Unvaxx’d Banned From Buying Booze, Marijuana

In Quebec, only 15 percent of the population has not received a COVID shot, and yet they are blamed for soaring infection rates among the vaccinated. Somehow that appears as logical to government leaders who are intent on punishing the holdouts. This is on top of closures of gyms, theaters and bars.

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Italy Mandates Vax For Over-50s, Bans Unvaxxed From Workplaces

Italy is now over-the-top authoritarian as it institutionalizes the demonization of the unvaxxed. The most vulnerable segment of society, the over-50s, must be jabbed and forced to accept a vaccine passport. Deniers will essentially be banned from society and marked for further harassment and scapegoating.

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The Real Agenda Behind Vaccine Passports

The Technocrat mindset is this: What cannot be identified and monitored cannot be controlled. This is the main point of vaccine passports, which have nothing to do with controlling the spread of disease, but rather are about controlling YOU!

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Stigmatizing The Unvaccinated: Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow

Governments are intensifying their vitriol against the unvaccinated. Trudeau (Canada) says they shouldn't be tolerated. Macron (France) says he's "really going to piss them off". Germany says they are "not human." Biden (US) says they are the pandemic. If not reversed soon, such rhetoric can easily lead to mass bloodshed.

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If You Are A Criminal, FBI Secretly Collected Your Cell Phone GPS Data

Anom became a massive "honeypot" sting operation when the company was secretly taken over by the FBI and coopted it to track criminals. While no decent citizen approves of drug smugglers or human trafficers, the FBI has a propensity to declare Constitutionally innocent citizens as criminals. 

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Malone: Failed Gov’t Policies Plus Failed mRNA Shots Spell Disaster

Dr. Robert Malone, who participated in the original development of mRNA technology, is absolutely right to conclude that "there must be accountability" for what is increasingly seen as a genocidal disaster. People are dying from the misuse of experimental mRNA drugs and disastrous government policies that are pitted against populations.

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Life Insurance CEO: Working-Age Death Rate Up By Whopping 40%

Wars produce dead bodies, and Technocracy's war against the world is no exception. Regardless of specific cause of death, dead bodies are piling up at an unprecedented rate in American history. Insurance companies don't care about propaganda and COVID rhetoric; actuarial tables and actual death claims paid out tell the final story.

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New Cars In EU Will Now Include ‘Black Box’ To Track And Record Behavior

Technocrats are obsessive-compulsive about collecting sensor data on everything that moves, processes or functions. Vehicles are the perfect target for ubiquitous data harvesting and of course, police will be the first to have access to the new treasure trove. To suggest that data will be anonymized and available to other entitieis such as insurance companies, is ludicrous.

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Propaganda And the Fatal Attraction Of Technocratic-Fascism

Technocracy employs the ultimate mind scramble of cognitive dissonance by framing falsehoods as truth and then gaslighting  you into believing their "truth". When the anchor of reality is removed, subjects can be fed an unending stream of lies and falsehoods until their brains are no longer capable of telling truth from error.

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