Neom: Is Saudi Arabia Constructing Future Babylon?

When I first wrote about Neom in October 2017, it was a crazy, whacked-out idea for a pop-up city in the desert of Saudi Arabia: 170 kilometers long (105.6 miles), 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high. When completed, it will be 33 times the size of New York City. Today, Saudi officials say it is 20% completed, and this video proves it. It will exist as a Techate, being the "smartest" city on earth. No cars allowed!

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Epic Struggle: Transgenderism And Transhumanism v. Christianity

When Transgenderism and Transhumanism are seen in the same frame, they are closely linked together. Both seek to springboard the human condition from its roots into Superman, immortality, cyborg, and anything other than human. As anti-human, both are pitted against Christianity. Since Christianity is in decline and the "trans" movement is gaining ground, you can see conflict brewing.

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EV Graveyards: Hardly Anyone Wants to Buy a Used One

When you own an EV, likely you will be stuck with it for life, unable to sell it when the battery is shot; your choice is to pay a huge fee tor battery disposal or pay thousands of dollars for a brand new battery. The Technocrat Holy Grail of Smart Grid and control over energy will eventually go up in smoke.

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FOBO: Is The Fear Of AI Worse Than AI Itself?

FOBO - "Fear Of Becoming Obsolete." The WEF and Big Tech Technocrats are overstating the benefits of AI, as well as the societal effects it will have. In fact, it is more likely to eat them alive in the end rather than the rest of the world. Unfortunately, its continued misuse can do serious damage and leave mountains of hubris in its wake.

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Scientists: Your Breath Is Now A Source Of Greenhouse Gas

Technocracy is inherently anti-human. Finally, climate-crazed scientists have finally stated the obvious: as a carbon-based life form, your very breath is a source of global warming. Of course, you can't help yourself! This provides the final solution and rationale for population reduction.

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Technocracy’s Hidden Agenda For Total Domination

Prince Micheal opines about "peacefully forcing technocratic systems to change." However, this is wishful thinking because tyrants and tyranny never retreat. Like Star Trek's Borg race that repeatedly warned, "Resistance is futile!" as it subsumed all living beings into the hive-mind.

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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

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Leading Chinese Scholar Lists The Benefits Of Technocracy In China

Inside China, there is a candid and robust discussion about Technocracy and its implementation. In the West, hardly anyone sees China in this light. Sun Tsu wrote in The Art of War, "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." This is why China will continue to steamroll over the West.

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Sam Altman: Death Is Just A Disease To Be Conquered

Silicon Valley has long been a hotbed of Transhumans who want to find an actual cure for death through hacking DNA. With the science of DNA/cell reprogramming behind them, they think it is now just an engineering problem. Contrast Altman's worldview with the Bible, which says that death is an immutable curse placed on Adam and Eve for their rebellion against God (Genesis 2:17, 3:3)

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DeepSouth: Human Brain-Scale Supercomputer Goes Online In 2024

They invent because they can. This novel architecture mimics the human brain with 228 trillion operations per second, simulating brain-like networks at scale. This technology emulates the brain's learning, adaptation, and processing abilities in a parallel and distributed manner intended to power AI applications.

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