January 2023

FBI Reveal: It Uses CIA And NSA To Spy On Innocent Americans

It is a foregone conclusion that the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government have been weaponized against the American people, throwing the Fourth Amendment and civil rights to the wind. Such activity is historically illegal, but that has not deterred rogue agencies hiding behind a cloak of secrecy.

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Proof Emerges That White House Directly Orchestrated Facebook’s COVID-19 Censorship

This bombshell revelation emerged from a lawsuit lodged by the state of Missouri against Biden, and is the most damning proof of massive First Amendment violations by our own government against the American people. Who or what directed the U.S. government? Look no further than Big Pharma and the biomedical cartel.

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Technocracy’s Agenda Is Evil And Must Be Rejected

As more writers call out Technocracy's agenda as twisted and evil, the world has a chance to reject it outright as Americans did during the 1940s. Those Americans recognized that Technocracy would destroy our economic and social systems. Today, however Technocracy is global and not limited to just North America.

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Biden Administration Seeks (Again) To Ban Gas Stoves

The "green" agenda is patently insane to try to ban natural gas from cooing and heating. Yet, it keeps coming back like a bad penny. This madness is anti-human and anti-civilizational, and yet people are still not rejecting these Technocrat ideologues who are convinced that their pseudo-science is correct and that we should "follow the science". Don't follow!

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Scientist: Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilization

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a resource-based economic system designed to control all resources on earth by a few pseudo-scientists with overinflated egos. If humanity rejects this in the end, it will be remembered as the greatest self-destructive delusion of all time.

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Technocrats-In-Action: Nation-Killing COVID Lockdowns Were Spawned During Trump Admin

Technocrats are apolitical. You cannot cast the COVID pandemic era in terms of political persuasion, left or right.  The fact is, COVID lockdown policy originated during the Trump Administration with Trump's former FDA Director (2017-2019), Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who just happened to also be a director of Pfizer.

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Criminal Minds See The Internet of Things Is The Next Big Hacking Prize

Technocrats are building out the Internet of Things using 5G wireless communications to connect everything that can be connected. However, the IoT is infinitely hackable because of so many unsecured points of entry. This hackable playground is also extending to the Internet of Everything and the Internet of Bodies. Imagine someone gaining access to a patient's pacemaker and turning it off.

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Hackers Drool As California Rolls Out Trackable Digital License Plates

California digital plates are 100% trackable via GPS and 2-way communication. Steal a car? The plate will display STOLEN and every inch of your travels will be recorded. Now researchers discover that the whole system is hackable meaning that a breach could turn California roadways into utter chaos.

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CBDCs: Trojan Horse For Total Control?

This is a balanced policy view of Central Bank Digital Currencies. There is no doubt that CBDCs are coming, but how they manifest will be full of twists and turns. Even though central banks are generally shepherded by the Bank for International Settlements, each bank is heavily flavored by national interests of individual states.

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