February 15, 2023

WEF’s Klaus Schwab Calls For Globalist Mastery Over AI

Speaking of technologies like AI. Schwab proclaimed, “Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world.” Of course, he wants to be the master of the world in order to bring in his Technocratic/Transhumanist Utopia. Is he worried that the world might go in a different direction? Absolutely.

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Trilateral Commissioner Eric Schmidt Is Building The Perfect Warfare AI

Former Google and Alphabet boss, Schmidt is working with the military to change the face of modern warfare with advanced AI weaponry, which he likens to the significance of the atomic bomb in WWII. He has also emerged as the heir apparent to Henry Kissinger, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

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The Empty Predictions Of The Global Warming Cult

"Believers" in man-made global warming show their love and devotion for "mother earth" and are bent on saving it at all costs. Their prophecies of doom have repeatedly failed. They have long abandoned legitimate science to embrace pseudo-science, forcing the data to fit their preconceived conclusions. It's time they stopped getting a free pass to change society.

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