February 2023

Are Americans Slouching Toward Technocratic Rule?

The liberal and thoroughly woke publication, The Conversation, reports on a poll that "Large numbers of Americans want a strong, rough, anti-democratic leader." The only takeaway is that American sentiment is swinging toward those who can "just fix stuff" with more authoritarian and Technocratic rule. This is very dangerous Technopopulism, a blending of Technocracy and Populism.

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Scientism: The Technocratic Worship Of Science

Others also recognized Scientism as not just a religion, but THE religion of the Technocrat class. It is ignorant, uninformed and, far from humble, real science. Furthermore, it has a priesthood that has become the arbiter of Scientism to mankind. Scientism immediately falls into the trap of pseudo-science, which in turn shreds real science.

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Microsoft Readies ChatGPT-Like AI For Its Search Engine Bing

Microsoft CEO says AI will disrupt the world like the invention of personal computers and "cloud computing." Microsoft is implementing OpenAI and ChatGPT into Bing while Google is launching Bard into its search engine. By the end of 2023, the knowledge acquisition landscape will be completely transformed and as yet, nobody is exactly certain what it will look like, except that it will adhere to "woke" dogma.

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Denialism: How The Woke Stifle Dissent

Propaganda comes in all forms of communication and one big item is name calling. The word "denier' has been overused to great success by woke ideologues: anybody who speaks something that they don't like is automatically labeled a "denier" and summarily excluded from the discussion. "Denier" is a subtle type of derision, making the target to appear irrelevant, if not malicious.

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Flashback: Dr. Deborah Birx Was The Technocrat Destroyer Who Deceived Trump Into Wrecking America Over COVID-19

Deborah Birx is a Technocrat who was orchestrating COVID-19 policies behind the scenes, using treachery and deceit. This is the fallback position of Technocrats whose agenda is or might be blocked in some way. Her blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, elected politicians and the Rule of Law set her on a self-appointed mission to deceive the President of the United States and then to deceive the entire medical establishment.

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It’s Official: No Global Warming For Eight Years

Eight years ago, prominent atmospheric scientists and physicists predicted that global cooling would take place over the next few decades, perhaps even bringing a new mini-ice age. They were scoffed at and mocked. Now the record is official: no global warming is taking place, period. This will not deter the global warming cult, however, from crowing about global warming.

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Sri Lanka’s Collapse Over UN/WEF Ag Policies Should Be A Warning To The World

Stupid is as stupid does. Elitists at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations are forcing agriculture policies that will literally destroy global food production. Sri Lanka was destroyed when its former President summarily banned fertilizer and drove the nation into starvation and rebellion. Does anyone take a lesson from Sri Lanka? Apparently not.

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ChatGPT Is Thoroughly ‘Woke’ But Google Will Compete To Be Even More Woke

We are in the age of AI wars. The competition is not to see who can produce the most intelligent responses to pressing questions, but to drive the world to more extreme wokeness by skewing answers toward racism, love of leftist causes and hatred of conservative ones. Artificial Intelligence is just that... artificial, and it is written and driven by Technocrat's intent on crushing critical thinking.

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Transhumanism, Eugenics And Faking The Singularity

In the Transhumanist mind, the only way for Transhumanism to succeed is to take over the entire health care delivery system in order to practice their twisted practice of modern eugenics. For anyone who thought that Nazi Germany was an isolated and localized incidence of eugenics, it is now global, pervasive and insidious. America and the world must forcefully reject this entire ideology and its practitioners.

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UK’s ‘Nudge Unit’ Manipulates People Toward ‘Net Zero Society’

In an earlier report, the "nudge unit" recommended that banks track carbon footprint of financial transactions and social interactions to reward "sustainable behaviors". The nudge theory was created by Technocrat economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their book, 2008 as a new tool of social engineering.  The theory has been applied to COVID-19, medical care, climate change, etc.

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