April 2023

Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans

Arizona's very own Sen. Krysten Sinema has joined the WEF and Bilderberg group to enter the rarified atmosphere of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Elected as a Democrat, she became an Independent so she could work both sides of the political isle. Sinema is a climber and S.884 proves the point.

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Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

Technocracy's war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with "saving the environment" or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.

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Corbett: Your Guide To 5th Generation Warfare

James Corbett understands Technocracy and Transhumanism, its actors and its enforcers. When TN declared war on Technocracy in 2015, it was in response to this "5th Generation Warfare" that was being prosecuted against the citizens of the world - not against nation-states, but against the citizens of those states.

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Mexico Became Largest User Of World’s Most Notorious Spy Tool

Pegasus Spyware: "It can infect your phone without any sign of intrusion and extract everything on it — every email, text message, photo, calendar appointment — while monitoring everything you do with it, in real time. It can record every keystroke, even when you’re using encrypted applications, and watch through your phone’s camera or listen through its microphone, even if your phone is turned off."

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Return To Peasant Lifestyle: Germany Closes Last Nuclear Power Plant

The Dark Ages represented the worst period in human history, with suffering, misery and poverty. Technocracy is a form of neo-Feudalism that is headed in the same direction, and Germany is leading the way. By the time they figure out what is happening, it will be too late to stop it.germany

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Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity

When I started to lecture on Transhumanism in 2010, it was a lonely podium. Today, there are hundreds of top scholars warning about the dangerous cult of Transhumanism, that posits evolution is theirs to control via genetic manipulation. This is warmed over eugenics from Nazi Germany and, further back, to the California State government.

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IMF Unveils UNICOIN As Legal Tender CBDC Settlement

Individual CBDCs are coming together through interoperability. Now, the International Monetary Fund has introduced the Unicoin that may be the "master" key to the rest of CBDCs. CBDCs may still transfer peer-to-peer with other CBDCs but Unicoin could provide temporary and stable storage space when necessary.

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Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Foods?

The idea of eating vaccine technology through plants and animals is not new. Transhumans and Technocrats have been intent on taking over all genetic material on earth since at least 1992 with the advent of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21, where the term Biodiversity was redefined as "genetic manipulation."

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Expert: Anti-Aging Pills To Hit Shelves In 2028

Leading billionaires who fund transhumanism research include Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos, and so on. These are also Technocrats, bent on bringing their Technocracy Utopia into reality. Will breakthroughs be sold to the masses or only consumed by the billionaire class?

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