June 2023

Open AI And ChatGPT: The Shepherds Of The Singularity Or Highway To Doom?

Orwell said, "Don't let it happen". Well, it happened. The AI genie is out of the bottle and spreading like like wildfire throughout the world. It is being structurally embedded at all levels of society. For every potentially good use, there are multiple horrific uses, like creating a lethal bioweapon in as little as two hours or driving someone to suicide. There is no possibility of containing AI at this point because too many companies and countries are deploying it. Technocrats build because they are compelled to, not because there is demonstrated need to do so.

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The Cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Was Behind Massive Censorship

Technocracy's cyber war against humanity is clearly evidenced by the clandestine censorship steamroller prosecuted by the U.S. government against the citizenry of America. Lies, deception and subterfuge were used to hide the criminal, if not outright treasonous, behavior of unelected and unaccountable Technocrats. These egregious violations shredded the First Amendment.

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Lawsuit Claims Open AI Stole ‘Massive Amounts Of Personal Data’ To Train ChatGPT

The Technocrat mind sees access to any and all data in the universe as an unalienable right. Thus, they have no moral or ethical restraint when hoovering up otherwise protected data such as medical records and personal data. This behavior underscores Technocracy's disdain for laws and the rule of law

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When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns And Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease To Be Human

The author correctly states, "By not speaking out, and by not responding, you have spoken loudly, and openly committed an act of cowardice. The ultimate blame lies not just with the aggressor in this circumstance, but also equally with he who hides and remains silent."

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Hohmann: NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything

The late Rosa Koire stated about Agenda 21: “It is the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Transhumanism: Elitists And Their Detractors

Indeed, dissent to Transhumanism comes from "those who dislike being told that the future belongs to the posthuman rather than to themselves and their offspring." Resistance is never futile and Transhuman ideology can and should be confronted at every level. The future belongs to humanity at large and not to a narrow group of Transhumans.

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Pandemic Leaders: Military-Intelligence-Biodefense Puppets

The US portion of the Great Panic of 2020 was driven by the military-intelligence-biodefense cartel. It was "an international counterterrorism effort focused myopically on lockdowns and vaccines, to the exclusion of all traditional and time-tested public health protocols."

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Pot Hole: Electric Vehicles Cause Double The Road Damage

If the world only had EVs to drive, the cost of road maintenance would double. Roads require asphalt made from petroleum products. Do you see the false economy and hypocrisy? EVs will not save the world from evil CO2 or traditional sources of energy.

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CJ Hopkins Epiphany: “Same Totalitarian Program Is Being Rolled Out In Countries Throughout The World.’

CJ Hopkins is progressing in his understanding of the war against the world, but continues to miss the perpetrators, namely, Technocrats and Transhumanists driving toward full blown Technocracy. However, his recognition of the global assault demonstrates that it isn't caused by Democrats, Republicans, or any other political party.

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Sweden Dumps Climate Agenda, Scraps Green Energy Targets

Sweden has a multitude of other problems, but cracks are appearing that reality is being acknowledged and dealt with. Namely, that sources of reliable energy do not include so-called "alternative energy" like windmills and solar panels. The rest of the world should take note.

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