July 16, 2023

Derrick Broze Exposes The Technocratic State With Patrick Wood

Author and researcher Derrick Broze absolutely nails Technocracy to the wall. This is Chapter 13 of his book, How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State, and is accompanied by an excellent 34 documentary that explains every facet, from the 1930s through today. This is a must-read article and a must-view documentary. Please share widely.

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Too Little, To Late! FTC Finally Tackles ChatGPT, Privacy, Security

Do AI developers have the right to hoover up the entire Internet for their pet "learning" projects?  Personal data? Health data" Copyrighted data" Private and encrypted data? Technocrats have no ethical boundaries in swiping all the data in the world, protected or not. But, they have already done it.

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Globalists: Climate Controls And ‘Finance Shock’ Will Drive Great Reset

The author is correct to observe a convergence of narratives: the Central Banks, led by the Bank for International Settlements, is all-in on carbon taxation and global warming. Further noted, "economic collapse is part of the plan." TN has consistently made these assertions for the last eight years.

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