July 2023

Big Tech Overlords Decry Lack Of AI Regulation, Then Fight Regulators To Stand Down

Google's discovery and exploitation of Surveillance Capitalism pales in comparison to the spread of AI in healthcare. It is a wild west of perpetual lawlessness with no accountability or transparency. Whatever gains that can be established within the next two or three years will decide who has the bulk of market share and hence, perpetual profits.

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Google Is Developing AI To Write News Stories

With the advent of ChatGPT, consumers of news rejected thoughts of AI-generated news stories. Now, Technocrats at Google have officially institutionalized the practice as it has already developed a product to write news and is currently testing it. If widely used, it will be like dumping raw sewage into the ocean.

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Biden Admin Looking To Outlaw Almost All Portable Gas Generators

There is no end to the lunacy of climate-crazed Technocrats. After going after bans on gas stoves and heaters, the Biden Administration is now looking at regulations that would wipe out almost all portable gas generators. Contractors? Emergency power? Bug out safe havens? Forget it.

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Robots for Elders: A Trojan Horse?

Children have no practical value in production, so Technocrats have no problem allowing them to be exploited for slave labor to create value. Elders cannot be exploited because they become too weak, too mentally unstable, etc. Elders are thus a complete drag on economic activity and therefore can be sacrificed just like children, 

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Kamala Harris: “When We Invest in Clean Energy And Electric Vehicles And Reduce Population…”

After Harris stuck her foot in her mouth, the White House immediately backpedaled and said she meant to say "pollution", not "population," It may well have been "pollution" on her teleprompter, but here eyes and mind were trained to think "population." This means somebody is discussing population reduction behind the scenes and the word got stuck in her mind. Meanwhile, we have documented population control for over 50 years.

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Mining Cobalt Sacrifices African Children On The Green Altar Of Technocracy

The utter hypocrisy of Technocrats is astounding. The UN's SDGs promise to save the world's children and yet actual policies do just the opposite. Children are the most vulnerable group on earth because they are not able to defend themselves. Thus, they are trafficked, sexually exploited, injected, marginalized and in Africa, forced to work in harsh mining operations, such as cobalt mines. The depravity of man has no limits.

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ChatGPT’s Evil Twin ‘WormGPT’ Is Silently Entering Emails And Raiding Banks

CharGPT is just one version of advanced AI platforms, but as predictable, it has already fallen into the hands of evil people to do evil things... like emptying your bank account, The broader societal effect of AI will cause grave damage to critical thinking, education, employment and business. Pandoras box has been opened and there will no shutting it down at this point.

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“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO’s Grip On Governments

The global resistance to globalization and scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy, is picking up around the world. German MP Christine Anderson is emerging as a potent leader in Europe, saying things that Technocracy News & Trends has been saying for years; namely, that Technocrats have no business making policies in free societies.

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Technocrats Running The WHO Present A Real And Present Danger

The World Health Organization is a hammer for implementing Technocracy throughout the world, by taking over all health of all living things. If you control health, you control everything else as well. Until the Technocracy movement is understood, it cannot be stopped, and the evidence of this is that it has not been stopped!

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Russia Launches Its Own CBDC, The Digital Ruble

The world headlines stories every day about the evilness of Russia but when Russia formerly releases its Central Bank Digital Currency... crickets. The war in Ukraine aside, Russia is dancing to the globalist music and is fully in line with the Bank for International Settlements.

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