July 2023

Derrick Broze Exposes The Technocratic State With Patrick Wood

Author and researcher Derrick Broze absolutely nails Technocracy to the wall. This is Chapter 13 of his book, How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State, and is accompanied by an excellent 34 documentary that explains every facet, from the 1930s through today. This is a must-read article and a must-view documentary. Please share widely.

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Too Little, To Late! FTC Finally Tackles ChatGPT, Privacy, Security

Do AI developers have the right to hoover up the entire Internet for their pet "learning" projects?  Personal data? Health data" Copyrighted data" Private and encrypted data? Technocrats have no ethical boundaries in swiping all the data in the world, protected or not. But, they have already done it.

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Globalists: Climate Controls And ‘Finance Shock’ Will Drive Great Reset

The author is correct to observe a convergence of narratives: the Central Banks, led by the Bank for International Settlements, is all-in on carbon taxation and global warming. Further noted, "economic collapse is part of the plan." TN has consistently made these assertions for the last eight years.

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Zuckerberg’s Twitter Clone ‘Threads’ Sees Massive Drop In Engagement After Launch Surge

Once again, Meta's Mark Zuckerberg has misjudged both his product and the public. This follows the disaster of the Metaverse, with remains largely empty after costing billions to develop. If it were not for Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, all formerly developed platforms, Zuckerberg would be an also-ran. One must wonder just how smart he really is.

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Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

This story needs serious investigation to determine the cause of this phenomenon. By comparison, the 1969 Woodstock event attracted some 400,000 people to a three-day marathon of music activity and partying. Only two people died: one from a drug overdose and the other was run over in his sleeping bag with a tractor collecting trash. Deaths from heart attack at Woodstock? ZERO.

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From Contact Tracing To Carbon Footprint Tracking: WEF’s Carrot Or Stick Approach To COVID & Climate Policy

If the object is to enforce a lower and lower carbon footprint on humans, then at some point, one could be standing naked, homeless and penniless on a street corner, breathing out CO2 fifteen times per minute. What's next? Eliminate you to stop you from emitting. This is the only logical extreme for carbon footprint measuring: it is anti-human.

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Hohmann: Citizens Fight Back Against Dangers Of Smart City Surveillance

A key driver of smart city transformation is the nationwide network of Councils of Governments (COGs) that practice regionalization of smart city technologies. COGS also include Metropolitan Policy Organizations (MPOs). These unconstitutional bodies, all nonprofit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), have hoodwinked the nation's cities and counties into adopting a plethora of smart city programs.

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Medical Apartheid, Vax Passports And The End Of The Freedom To Travel

In hindsight, we now know that lockdowns and the resulting "travel passports" for the vaccinated had nothing to do with science or health: rather, it was a dystopian power grab to flip the world into scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. There is no "freedom to travel" if it is only for those who are willing to take mRNA gene therapy shots. Apartheid? Discrimination? It's still just getting started.

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Unfunded: Europe’s ‘Green Deal’ Headed For Collapse

On one hand, there is the bluster and bravado of global warming zealots. On the other hand, there is reality that falls way short of their imaginations and propaganda. This is true throughout the United Nations, World Economic Forum and all other greenwashing organizations. The hubris left over from these pipe dreams leaves the rest of the world in dire straits.

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Transhumanism: Bowing Down To A Techno-Industrial God

Transhumanism is a "techno-industrial suicide machine is staffed by humans who appear not to recognize that their joint mission is programmed to end in collapse." Yet, it the ideology is so pervasive and deceptive that a great percentage of the world is now bowing down to it. It's time to stop.

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