July 2023

Meta Launches Twitter Clone, Harvests All Your Data, Immediately Starts Censoring

For all of Zuckerberg's bluster about his Twitter-killing clone called Threads, it may end up being a nothing-burger if users figure out how much personal data is being sucked out of their mobile devices used to access the platform. Zuck is a consummate Technocrat who sees no issue with hoovering up your data in return for using his free app.

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Propaganda-In-Action: How The Media Minimizes mRNA Vaccine Injuries

Propaganda is the Technocrat way of sowing confusion and doubt about what otherwise is self-evident reality. Some people call this "gaslighting". Whatever you are seeing with your own eyes is miss-interpreted or miss-represented and therefore you should accept the propaganda as being true. This is blatant fraud, but people fall for it time after time, giving the reason why propaganda continues to be sprayed from a firehose.

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International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Dream Debunked as a Nightmare

Net Zero 2050 means that "net emissions of carbon dioxide will need to fall to net zero by 2050". This is Technocracy's scam in order to control all available energy and hence, all economic activity and human consumption. CO2 is not and never has been our enemy. Without it, green plants do not grow. Green plants produce O2 for humans to breathe. What is hard to understand?

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Unprecedented: Athlete Cardiac Arrests Killed 1,310 In 2.5 Years, Injured 574

NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller has been chronicling sudden deaths and unexpected health events since the mRNA therapy shots (COVID "vaccines") started. Athletes and healthy young people with no known health issues, are falling over dead from sudden cardiac arrest after receiving injections. Many deaths showed no signs of impending collapse. As Miller notes, this is unprecedented in history.

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Independence Day: Federal Court Hands Down Massive Victory For Free Speech

The federal lawsuit Missouri v. Biden has produced the first major fruit documenting outright collusion between the Biden Administration and Big Tech social media companies. As the case proceeds, there are two caveats: the temporary injunction forbidding further contact extends only through th

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Google Declares It Will Scrape Entire Internet For AI ‘Learning’

Is Google asserting ownership of the entire Internet? It appears that way, but other AI companies are thinking in the same direction. If data exists anywhere, Technocrats believe they have a right to possess it. Data is the Technocrat's heroin and like addicts, they will bluster, lie, cheat and steal to feed their habit.

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Global Censorship Machine Accelerates To Silence Climate ‘Solutions’ Debate

Censorship is a global phenomenon because Technocracy's war on humanity is global. All opposing narratives to Technocrat schemes will be mercilessly attacked. Scientific dissent, critiques of ludicrous government and eco-alarmist policies, and even casual discussion, is targeted for suppression.

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Technocracy’s Control Matrix Starts And Stops With BIS, Central Banks

In my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the chapter "Who Is Driving This Train" definitively concludes that the central banks, with the BIS sitting at the apex, are the primary forces behind the hoaxes of global warming and the pandemic. Why hoaxes? To drive the world into full-blown Technocracy and away from capitalism and free market economics.

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CBDCs: Expiration Dates, Restrictions On Spending For Social Engineering

Anyone who understands historic Technocracy from the 1930s would immediately recognize "currency that expires" as a key element of a Technocrat-run economy. CBDCs extend the concept to include programmable features that force holders to spend according to a socially engineered dictate. This smacks of Technocracy, not socialism, communism or fascism.

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Congressional Report Details Blocking Sunlight To Save The Planet From ‘Global Warming’

After years of dishing out abuse and accusations to those who sounded the alarm on geoengineering, the Federal government itself has published a major report detailing ways to block the sun to mitigate non-existent "global warming". This Technocrat initiative seeks to shrink economic activity by controlling energy, food and water. It will not save the world, but rather will destroy it.

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