Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Launches To Fierce Criticism, Rejection

Sam Altman, head of OpenAI and ChatGPT, is further demonstrating his twisted Technocrat mind with the launch of Worldcoin. Worldcoin bluntly states that everyone will be identified (with the Orb's iris scans) whether they like it or not.  Further, that it will be the vehicle to promote Universal Basic Income (UBI) to the whole world. So, ChatGPT will wreck the world and Worlddcoin will save it? 

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JP Morgan Chase Bank Suddenly Terminates Dr. Mercola, Employees And Family Members

Big Pharma is attempting to bury one of its biggest critics, Dr. Joseph Mercola. The tight relationship between Chase and various Big Pharma companies is evident with a mean-spirited attack on Mercola.com (based in Florida), its senior officers and their family members. Chase totally ignored Florida state law that prohibits "financial institutions from denying or canceling services based on political or religious beliefs."

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Global Warming Activism Targets Giant Global Livestock Industry And 1.3 Billion People

This important statistical analysis demonstrates the magnitude of the meat industry around the world, which involves no less than 1.3 billion supporting workers. This is the industry that technocrat eco-loons want to destroy, and what can't be destroyed will be substituted with synthetic food. Seriously? Yes, but it shows the anti-human fallacy of the entire movement.

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Environmentalists Betray The Environment They Claim To Protect

In the early 1970s, the original environmental movement was hijacked by big money (think Rockefeller dynasty), transformed, radicalized and weaponized against capitalism and free market economics. It was never intended to save the world, but rather to destroy it, and hence, make way for the ultimate "Great Reset" as proclaimed by the World Economic Forum.

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Un-Holy Cow! China Engineers And Clones ‘Super Cows’

Technocrat and Transhuman scientists in China waive aside all ethical and moral constraints as they are determined to control both life and nature. Cloning animals is a precursor to cloning humans, as they have already boasted. Between synthetic biology, transgenic editing and cloning, the world population is in for some unexpected outcomes.

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Idaho Christians Are Compensated $300,000 for Rights Violations

In September 2020, a Moscow, Idaho church organized a public hymn event where masks were not worn. Three were arrested, several others fined and police broke up the event. The city council, mayor and police chief were in support of the arrests. The "offending" Christians have now been awarded $300,000 for having their First Amendment rights egregiously violated.

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Nazi Albert Speer Warned The West About The Rise Of Technocracy

The Nazi relationship with Technocracy was far deeper than noted here. which I covered in my three books on historic Technocracy. Technocrats never represented political ideology such as left or right, but rather wanted to remove the political layer of society altogether. Many Technocrats entered the Nazi regime as well as FDR's era of the New Deal.

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Just What Was Henry “Old Friend Of China” Kissinger Doing With Chairman Xi?

When Trilateral Commission sage Kissinger shows up in unexpected places, we should look closely to see what this 100 year-old snake is up to. This was not an official visit, but remember, it was Kissinger in 1972 who thawed relations with China, which made it possible for Zbigniew Brzezinski to induct them into the modern world in 1976- and subsequently feed them Technocracy's dogma to build a giant global octopus.

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‘The Perfect Crime’: Has Google Taken Over Election Results?

Technocrats working in Big Tech companies have zero regard for political systems, believing that voters exist only to be scientifically manipulated into into making "better" decisions; after all, Technocrats and Transhumanists "have the indisputable science" of the rightness or wrongness of any topic and thus see no problem in "educating" the ignorant masses into following their "science".

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Frankenbrain: Merging AI With Human Brain Cells

Brain cells in a petri dish integrated with AI circuits? What could possibly go wrong? Technocrats and Transhumanists will stop at nothing to merge technology with the human body.There are no ethical or moral boundaries to guide them. There are no regulations or laws to stop them. It's the wild, wild west all over again.

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