Universal Basic Income And The Anti-Human Agenda

No less than eighty UBI trials are underway globally, and many more have already started and ended. UBI is an original construct of Technocracy from the 1930s, where everyone in society would receive the same allocation of energy script that would expire at the end of the allocation period. Today, UBI solves the problem of "unemployables" picking up too many pitchforks and torches to attack the Technocrat earth destroyers.

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Technocracy’s Control Freak Agenda Is Rapidly Moving Forward

While Snyder correctly picks out 8 evidences of globalist agenda, he does not recognize Technocracy as the driving force. Technocracy's evil and twisted agenda is behind all efforts to digitize humanity and to create a universal financial system. The ultimate result will be a global social credit scoring system that will either include or exclude you, depending on your behavior. Resist. Reject. Refute.

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Transhumanism: Dishing Up A Eugenic Future With Artificial Gametes

Tens of thousands of genetic scientists around the world are racing to tinker with the building blocks of life. No matter how much they protest that they are not Transhumanists, by definition they are exactly that. They are continuing the practice of eugenics that started in the early 1900s, progressed through Nazi Germany and now is legitimatized in top Universities.

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Ministry Of Truth: Protecting Technocrat Oligarchs On Digital Platforms

The United Nations is a hard core Ministry of Truth. Fleming states that "they" - the UN - vastly outnumber the misinformation "haters"; she is dead wrong and living in her own fantastical bubble. However, as the pinnacle of Technocracy, the UN will do everything it can to quash all opposing narratives so that the Great Reset can continue unabated. 

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Turley: YouTube, Google Censor Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Google's censorship is apolitical. It will censor anyone who bucks its Great Reset narrative, including Democrat Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The Democrat establishment is already in a panic over Kennedy but mostly because of the political threat he poses. This leaves both major political parties in a roil with Google censoring members from both sides. In the end, it is Google who wins. 

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Ralph Nader: Beware The Coming Flood Of Frankenstein Chatbots

Consumer protection advocate Ralph Nader has pegged the harms of AI correctly, and calls for proper government regulation. Until then, the use of AI and Chatbots are unregulated and wide open for abuse. This is comparable to Google's discovery of Surveillance Capitalism in the early 2000s where it ran unobstructed at full-throttle, leading to total domination of its industry.

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Doug Casey: The War On Farmers Could Trigger A Famine

Technocracy intends to control every aspect of human existence down to the molecular structure of your DNA. Energy, food and water are the three prime drivers of human activity; all three are experiencing man-made crisis designed for such control. Not breaking the shackles of Technocrat domination will mean global scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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IMF Managing Director: “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”

It is currently illegal for the Federal Reserve t0 accept private accounts so U.S. law will have to change to accommodate the IMF's goal. Every piece of legislation from here on should be examined for sneak amendments. In the meantime, the IMF, BIS and UN are all working toward the same goal: global currency and digitization of humanity. It is not for the "good of humanity" but rather for its enslavement.

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United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

Only Technocrat globalists and their organizations are pushing for a universal currency and digital identity for all humans. This will cement their scientific dictatorship. Organizations include the Bank for International Settlements, United Nations, International Monetary Fund and others.

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Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities”

A software development grifter is now posing as the world's champion for discovering/developing dangerous viruses that could potentially wipe humanity off the planet. An avid Technocrat and Transhumanist, Bill Gates' meddling with existing systems of civilization has already caused multiple health disasters, but he is still highly revered in globalist circles.

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