Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled Out Of Thin Air

DNA is the foundation of life and is found throughout the environment. Because of shedding, humans leave a continuous trail of DNA that can be measured and sequenced. Genetic scientists have now discovered how to easily sequence environmental DNA, called E-DNA. The implications to privacy and sanctuary are absolutely staggering and police/intelligence units are salivating to get their hands on it.

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TransHuman/Machine Fusion For Cyborg Soldier By 2050

The military created the Internet and still controls it, hiding in plain sight. The military sparked Transhumanist technologies (NBIC) in the 1990s to produce "supermen" fighting machines to dominate the war field.  "genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, or any number of emerging technologies."

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Nearly Half of NYC Hotel Rooms Now Filled with Illegal Migrants

The destruction of both America and Europe by illegal immigration is a policy of the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission. TC bigwig Peter Sutherland, as Special Envoy on Immigration to the UN, opened up Europe like a can of sardines. TC members in the U.S. have followed the same policy. This article reveals how close we are to total meltdown.

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Aussies Go For Biometric Digital Identity, America Follows

The Technocrat stampede to implement digital ID programs is a global phenomenon, and it evidence that Technocrats are operating and strategizing at a much higher level than national geographic boundaries. Biometric digital identity is absolutely necessary for total social control. Just ask China.

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Technocratic Police State Continues To Flourish

Technocracy marches on, even in face of government shutdown, because Technocrats are not part of the government. They are largely unelected and unaccountable and will continue their twisted agenda in spite of inconvenient roadblocks. Further, Technocracy intends to replace government altogether.

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Five Reasons Why ChatGPT Flaunts Privacy

Italy banned ChatGPT for about one month before allowing the service to resume. The privacy issues are huge and still unresolved. For instance, ChatGPT reads and learns from copyrighted books, journals, newspapers, etc. Has anyone given it permission to do so? No. It is literally destroying copyright laws.

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Technocracy: Humanity Is Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison And Digital Gulag

Technocracy is to liberty and freedom as anti-matter is to matter. It is a gangrene upon the world, eating its flesh and vitality region by region, nation by nation. It is a contagious mental disease where subjects submit to digital slavery, not knowing or understanding that it may result in their ejection from society or even premature death. It is a panopticon designed to control people from the inside rather than by external forces. 

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Big Pharma’s ‘Rampant Corporate Lawlessness’ Cost Americans $40 Billion In 2019

Big Pharma is being scrutinized by progressives and conservatives. In this case, CommonDreams calls it "rampant corporate lawlessness" and demonstrates how Americans are being mercilessly gouged. Big Pharma has erected defenses at every level of government that make it virtually impossible to apply anti-trust laws to stop the predatory behavior.

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Traffic Cameras Use AI To Spy On Drivers Inside Their Cars

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. "Seeing" inside your car is a total violation or privacy and sanctity, but Technocrats don't care about those things; if they could figure out a way to collect your DNA at the same time, they would do so.

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