Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End Of Our Species As We Know It?

C.S. Lewis concluded in the Abolition of Man that the more man looks into nature with the eye to master and control it, the more man himself is taken captive by nature. This is unexpected, but the logical conclusion is that it will ultimately result in the abolition of man, not nature.

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Wendy’s Debuts Google-Powered Chatbot For Drive-Thru

There will be a tidal wave of layoffs in the fast food industry over the next few years, as customer interaction will be increasingly handled by AI instead of people. Entry-level jobs like this are critical to properly induct young people into the workforce. Other customer-facing jobs in jeopardy? Bank tellers, tax preparers, lawyers, financial advisors.

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AI Here, AI There, AI Everywhere

Dangerous or not, Pandora's Box of AI is fully opened and it is spreading everywhere, into every nook and cranny of civilization. Every service job, every paper pushing job, every intellectual job will be flattened in a country minute. In just 6 months since ChatGPT was released, hundreds of thousands of companies and apps have integrated it into core processes.

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New ‘Foreign Malign Influence Center’ To Oversee Disinformation Orgs

The Federal government will not give up on crushing Free Speech and the First Amendment. This new agency will have sweeping powers to oversee other "disinformation" organizations in the government. Although focused on things like election interference from foreign sources, any American who repeats such things will be on the radar for legal action.

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FDA Approves Gene-Edited Pigs For Human Consumption

The goal of the Technocrat/Transhuman cartel is to edit the DNA of all living species. WSU is leading the genetic modification rush to introduce GMO meat for human consumption. This article is full of misleading statements such as "Gene-editing is a modern, cutting-edge technology that works only within a species’ DNA and can make changes that could come about naturally or through traditional breeding practices."

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Expert Says It’s A Good Thing That AI Could Replace 80% Of Jobs “In Next Few Years”

Here is an all-out apologist for turning loose AI and ChatGPT-like programs on the world. He recognizes that there will be huge societal repercussions but in the same breath says, "I don't know how (to) solve all the social issues." This Pollyanna-ish view of reality is typical of the purely Technocrat mindset: "Dam the torpedoes and full speed ahead."

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IoT Forensics: What Your Smart Home Knows About You

This article was received as an email from MIT, but it reveals new information about the topic of IoT forensics, or, discovering what data is hoovered up and stored on you smart home devices. If your home ever becomes a crime scene, all that data could be extracted and analyzed to bite hard. These are the very dangers that TN has been warning about since its inception.

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White House To Crack Down On AI, Appoints VP Kamala Harris To Lead Task Force

AI needs to be regulated. The vacuous White House has stepped in to save the day by appointing the even more vacuous VP Kamala Harris to head the task force. What's wrong with this picture? What could possibly go wrong? The least intelligent will try to understand the most intelligent and rein it in from destroying humanity.

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Neera Tanden Will Replace Trilateral Susan Rice As Domestic Policy Czar

Susan Rice was point person for the Trilateral Commission in Biden's White House. She is now replaced by an equally nefarious character, Nerra Tanden, who formerly served as President of the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP was founded by Trilateral Commission member John Podesta, who is also serving in the inner court of the current Biden Administration.

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Transhumanist Peter Thiel Is Planning Cryopreservation After Death

Peter Thiel is a hardcore Transhumanist who has invested millions in life-extension technologies. To cover all the bases, he now plans to have his head frozen, post-death,  to -321 degrees Fahrenheit in hopes that he might be unfrozen at a later date to have his brain/soul downloaded into a computer to achieve immortality.

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