‘Godfather Of A.I.” Leaves Google To Warn Of A.I. Dangers

Geoffrey Hinton is a legend in the A.I. world. He is not only having negative thoughts about what he has invented, but he is doing a complete reversal, saying that A.I. has the potential to destroy civilization and in multiple ways. He joins other top computer scientists in trying to slow down development and put guard rails up on how A.I. should be used.

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California Sets ‘Zero Emissions’ For Passenger and Freight Trains

The current fleet of locomotives will the outlawed by 2030 and all new models must meet zero-emissions thereafter. This will likely get struck down in court because other states will not allow California to dictate the terms and conditions of interstate commerce. Nevertheless, California's shadow government is totally technocratic.

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Big Tech Companies More Powerful Than Nation-States?

he article notes. "The world's biggest tech companies are now richer and more powerful than most countries.' Technocracy and democracy (or any other system of government) are like matter and anti-matter to each other. Technocracy will eventually remove all forms of political structures to simply run the world by fiat, ie, their algorithms.

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New York State To Be First To Ban Natural Gas In New Construction

The environmental movement to electrify everything refuses to die out even as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals this month overturned the California city of Berkeley's ban on natural gas. The nation already does not have enough reliable production of electricity to power the explosion of electric vehicles. Nevertheless, Technocrats are bent on controlling all energy production and consumption.⁃

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Why Did Trilateral Susan Rice Leave Biden’s Side?

What is she up to? Myself and others have likened her to Biden's shadow president, but she is leaving the White House just in time for the 2024 presidential election cycle; a caretaker related to a Trilateral think-tank will take her place at Biden's side. This could signal the end of Biden while continuing the Trilateral Commission hegemony over the Administration.

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Anti-Aging Breakthrough Will Excite Transhumanists

Yeast cells today and humans tomorrow? This synthetic biology project has taken 7 years to get to this point, but they claim genetically modified cells can live 82 percent longer than normal cells. Synthetic biology implies genetic modification, which, as a science, has already been pioneered in humans.

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The 7 Pillars Of A Global CBDC System

There is no doubt that Central Bank Digital Currencies are in our future, but much of the initial alarmist reporting missed many important details and events associated with global development of CBDCs. This research paper lays out the current status and roadmap in clear, unambiguous terms. Recommended reading!

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Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles To Be Electric By 2030

Considering the vast number of U.S. military vehicles around the world, Biden's Secretary of Energy thinks that we can just rebuild the entire empire with electric vehicles instead - in just 7 years. If war breaks out, the military would have to ask for a timeout to install charging stations on the enemy's battlefield.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “There Is No Time In History Where The People Who Were Censoring Speech Were The Good Guys”

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is going to give fits to left-wing democrats who have been colluding with Silicon Valley to crush Free Speech and the First Amendment. Kennedy has tasted up-close censorship and cancelship and is a champion for the First Amendment rights of all Americans. He will be vilified, marginalized and bullied in coming months.

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Trilateral Susan Rice Is Leaving Her Post As Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor

Whenever current or former members of the Trilateral Commission make a move in American politics, TN will cover it. Susan Rice has been a one-woman wrecking ball running Biden's domestic policy program. She's served her purpose. Top contender to replace her is Neera Tanden, former president of ultra left-wing Center for American Progress, founded by Trilateral John Podesta

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