Miss Car Payment? Future Ford Vehicles Could Repossess Themselves

With the addition of kill-switches and full-control automation of the car, they can be programmed to automatically repossess themselves if you miss a payment. Further, if the police want to pull you over faster than you pull yourself over, the kill switch could be used to force you to the side of the road. Even during a routine stop, your car could be disabled to prevent driving away prematurely.

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Flashback: Transhumanism’s “Wail Of Despair” For Immortality

This article compares the path of Transhumanism with Christianity, noting similarities and contrasts. The Transhuman's Holy Grail is achieving immortality, but alas, without a truly human body. Such a post-human dream is a dead end street because it strips away all that it means to be human.

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“Organoid Intelligence” (OI): Biocomputing And Intelligence-In-A-Dish

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. Now scientists are intending to use real human brain cells to leapfrog silicon technology to create a competitor to AI that is being called Organoid Intelligence, or OI. This is another slippery slope that could push boundaries in both directions.

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Musk To Start His Own Non-Woke AI Company To Compete With OpenAI?

Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI that created ChatGPT. It turned out much darker than he had anticipated, with ChatGPT spewing woke diatribes and false information. Now, Musk is jockeying to create a non-woke competitor to OpenAI and challenge Microsoft's domination of the resulting marketplace for the product.

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World Health Organization: A Public-Health Technocracy

Wesley J. Smith has correctly pegged the WHO as an emerging public-health Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. As a principal agency of the UN, the WHO seeks to control all public health policies and products on planet earth: a universal nanny? There is no "spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down". This is a war against humanity and people will die.

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Future Shock: AI Advances Are Trending Toward Vertical Acceleration

Regardless of obvious flaws and errors, ChatGPT is projected to have one billion users before the end of 2023, making it the most transformative and rapidly utilized technology in history. What this will do to global civilization is still unknown but it is certain that "artificial thoughts" are not human thoughts until humans blindly accept them as such. What thoughts? Technocracy

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Geoengineering: Dim The Sun To Fight Global Warming

The United Nations says, solar geoengineering "is the only known approach that could be used to cool the Earth within a few years.” Since climate alarmists have virtually shut down coal, oil and natural gas, replacing it with solar and wind generated energy, shutting down the sun somehow makes sense to these mad scientists. In fact, it would doom the entire planet.

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CNAS: Globalist Think Tank And The Subtleties Of Disinformation

This article is written by a research assistant at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), which has two members of the Trilateral Commission on its board. The article deflects attention to China and Russia as the most likely abusers of AI while ignoring current abuses by our own government. In fact, for Technocracy, there is no such thing as the "free world".

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Brookings Institution: AI Is Tool Of Choice To Censor Podcasts

Brookings is a globalist nest of Technocratic thinkers whose board of advisors includes four members of the elitist Trilateral Commission. Brookings has provided academic license to censor all opposing views, and is now targeting podcasts for censorship. Fact checkers like NewsGuard have already lined up to censor podcasts.

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NewsGuard: Technocratic Censorship Of All Opposing Views

When Technocrats don't like what legitimate journalists and researchers say, NewsGuard will rake them over the coals as "disinformation", "misinformation" and "fake news" and then spread its slander to the entire world, causing damaging prejudice from vendors, subscribers, advertisers, etc. This is a deep wound to Free Speech, but NewsGuard is a private company.

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