Boom: Biden Appoints Member Of The Trilateral Commission To Head The World Bank

For anyone who thinks that the Trilateral Commission has no influence in today's world, or indeed, is still calling all the plays, they are ignorant of history and the depth of entanglement that remains to this day. Biden appoints Ajay Banga, former head of Mastercard and a member of the Trilateral Commission, to be President of the World Bank.

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Biodigital Convergence: The Pandemic Started The Genetic Transformation Of Humanity

The Pandemic was never just about a virus and a "vaccine". It was the first mass-scale application of synthetic biology to the human condition. As such, it transitioned theoretical Convergence science  into applied science but on a global scale. For a world that mostly never heard of Transhumanism, they have arbitrarily been placed on the conveyor belt of transformation.

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BIS Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat Currencies

Thus sayeth the Bank for International Settlements: The BIS is in charge of global currencies, not cryptocurrencies. The global network of central banks now have the green light to ignore and shun publicly traded crypto and instead pursue Central Bank Digital Currencies (DBDCs).

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Idaho Lawmakers Seek To Criminalize mRNA Injections

If Pfizer and Moderna will not stop their disastrous and injurious mRNA vaccinations, state lawmakers are finally stepping in to do it for them. If Idaho lawmakers are successful, Idahoans seeking mRNA shots will have to go elsewhere. National sentiment is rapidly turning on these Transhumanist eugenics experiments.

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Stockman: The Fed’s Giant Economic (Pseudo)Science Experiment

The intention of Technocracy is is to a) drain wealth from society, b) create a resource-based economic system, c) control all financial transactions. Capturing the current economic system is the only way to destroy it - from within. The central banks of the world are preparing for the launch of the Great Reset.

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Bill Introduced To Ban Fed From Issuing CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are key to the implementation of a technocratic scientific dictatorship because it would create a central control point over all financial transactions. Finally, legislative pushback is emerging to stop the Federal Reserve from creating a digitized dollar.

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It Begins: Sports Illustrated To Use AI For Articles

The AI genie is out of the bottle and media companies are stampeding to recruit its content-writing ability so save labor costs. This does not bode well for human researchers, journalists and authors who have climbed the ranks of their profession the hard way.

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Transhumanism: What Is It And Why Is It Evil?

This article is a deep dive into the history and background of Transhumanism. It underscores the title of my latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Transhumanism is an ideological pseudoscience that cannot possibly succeed, but will leave a wake of human destruction and harm in its path.

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Joe Allen: How AI Carves Out Out Space In Your Brain

AI like ChatGPT will be totally disruptive on many levels, from white collar worker displacement to journalism. The worst danger is what it will do to the mind and its container, the brain. AI is neither sentient nor human, but billions will take it that way and turn it into objects of worship.

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‘Authors’ Using ChatGPT Flood Amazon Books

"How-to" tutorial videos have popped up all over YouTube and social media platforms, giving detailed instructions on how to use ChatGPT to create books from start-to-finish in less than one day. While Audible bans authors from using AI text-to-speech readers, Amazon has not blocked AI generated text.

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