Bezos, Gates To Back Mind Control Research Company

Bezos and Gates join monetary forces with the original funders of Australian-based Synchron, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Department of Defense (DoD). So, this is a project of the U.S. Military? It's one step closer to having a "super-soldier" of the future.

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East Palestine Launched A Digital ID Program Days Before Disaster

The small and un-affluent community of East Palestine is an unlikely place to see a medical digital ID system for residents. It partnered with MyId: "One of our goals is to offer government entities solutions that will help them to solve identity challenges of their citizens at the same time reducing IT costs of developing alternative solutions."

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Layoffs? Companies Turn To AI To Pick The Throwaways

AI hireth and AI fireth. Long live AI. Nobody will be happy with impersonal, dispassionate and buggy AI coming up with who should be laid off when downsizing. Those what reapply for jobs elsewhere will be further depressed when they realize that AI aso makes the hiring decision. This is the heartbeat of mechanistic Technocracy.

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Saudi Arabia Announces Another Futuristic Metropolis With Giant “Virtual Reality” Cube

The Saudis are the most prolific builders of fantastical cities in the world. First Neom and now New Murabba with its futuristic centerpiece of a golden cube (The Mukaab) of 1,300 on each side. This is a combination of physical and virtual reality that sounds like an immersive Metaverse simulation.

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Is Google’s AI Manipulating Your Brain?

Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal, often referred to as the Deep State — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering." [Mercola] 

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Unvaccinated Or Partially Vaccinated? The Feds Are Specifically Tracking You, Too!

If you thought that only the "vaccinated" are being tracked for things like a "vaccine passport", you are sadly mistaken. Medical Technocrats slipped in medical record codes for those who skipped the mRNA shot or were only partially "vaccinated". All medical personnel are required to ask you (under penalty) for your vaxx status, and will dutifully enter it into your medical record.

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The Climate Change Rationale For Transforming The American Energy Grid

The only reason climate alarmists are pushing to rebuild our energy grid is to accommodate wind and solar power. Our existing grid worked just fine with traditional energy generation, even as it required maintenance to keep it operational. The "new" grid must mix with sporadic on-again, off-again sources of energy. As the "new" grid is formed, traditional energy transmission is a secondary consideration.

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Who Or What Has Control Of Your Smart Home?

Smart home technology has hidden dangers that most  home owners do not understand. "Smart home" includes programmable devices within the home and, bi-directional connectivity to the Internet. Utility smart meters provide another gateway to monitor and control connected electrical devices such as thermostats, refrigerators, washers and driers, etc.

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Musk’s Big Nudge: Warns Global Leaders Of ‘Too Much’ World Government

Musk is a consummate Technocrat, warning against too much government. Technocracy is pointedly antithetical to government because it is illogical, unscientific and unnecessary. Technocrats want to control the world directly, without public discourse of protest. Thus, this is a subtle nudge to world leaders: "Back off".

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Useless Eaters: Drug Them, Give Them Computer Games, Let Them Eat Bugs

Technocracy is insidious, heartless and dispassionate. The original definition of Technocracy from the 1930s is "The science of social engineering". They have the science and they will use it to "engineer" minds to accept their conditioning. Like the "Borg", they say "Resistance is futile" and "We will assimilate". Technocracy's war on humanity is existential and the window of opportunity to reject it is rapidly closing.

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