Whitehead: Don’t Bow Down To A Dictatorial Government

The government knows everything about us while we know virtually nothing about the government. This is backwards and evidence that the Technocratic mindset has taken over in America. We should have listened to the 1967 British TV series, The Prisoner: "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.”

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WEF’s Klaus Schwab Calls For Globalist Mastery Over AI

Speaking of technologies like AI. Schwab proclaimed, “Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world.” Of course, he wants to be the master of the world in order to bring in his Technocratic/Transhumanist Utopia. Is he worried that the world might go in a different direction? Absolutely.

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Trilateral Commissioner Eric Schmidt Is Building The Perfect Warfare AI

Former Google and Alphabet boss, Schmidt is working with the military to change the face of modern warfare with advanced AI weaponry, which he likens to the significance of the atomic bomb in WWII. He has also emerged as the heir apparent to Henry Kissinger, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

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The Empty Predictions Of The Global Warming Cult

"Believers" in man-made global warming show their love and devotion for "mother earth" and are bent on saving it at all costs. Their prophecies of doom have repeatedly failed. They have long abandoned legitimate science to embrace pseudo-science, forcing the data to fit their preconceived conclusions. It's time they stopped getting a free pass to change society.

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John Podesta: The Trilateral Commission Link To UFO/Alien Mania?

All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska. NORAD says it doesn't rule out aliens. Washington creates a UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens. A top 4-star general in charge of US airspace says he isn't ruling out aliens. Well, this was unexpected, wasn't it? Not really. 

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Rogue Climate Activist’s Startup Company To Release ‘Mini Volcanoes’ To Cool Atmosphere

Brazen geoengineering will launch weather balloons to inject sulphur particles into the stratosphere to "help cool the planet". The company Make Sunsets is run by CEO  Luke Iseman. Iceman is the former Director of Hardware at Y Combinator, a seedbed of Technocrat and Transhumanist startup companies. There is zero public or government support for Iseman's actions.

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Covid Panic, Climate Panic: Driven By Same People For Same Purpose

TN has claimed from the very start of the Covid panic in 2020 that the same people who drove the "climate crisis" were driving the Covid panic as a new initiative in the war against humanity. The only solution ever offered is the UN's Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Techniques of the Covid panic, like lockdowns, are now going to be used for climate crisis.

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Joe Allen: Countdown to Gigadeath – From AI Arms Race to Artilect War

ChatGPT has not reached the level of  expected Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), but it is close and is expected by 2024. Certainly by 2025. With the exponential explosion of machine-created "intelligence", human intelligence is at risk of being completely overwhelmed and disrupted on a planetary scale. The domination of man's mental processes could be final key to full-blown global technocracy.

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Google Search Chief: AI Chatbots Can Give ‘Convincing But Completely Fictitious’ Answers

Google's capitalization dropped by $100 billion after its ChatGPT competitor Bard failed to give accurate answers. How will anyone know what is true or false? If AI is "mostly true", will anyone care about the false information that will be unexpectedly consumed? Google is currently operating under "code red" conditions to stay relevant.

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Um, ChatGPT? Bill Gates Turns Attention To Eliminating ‘Misinformation’ With AI

First climate change, then world health, then food and water, and now misinformation. Bill Gates wants to dominate everything in the universe. With the advent and use of GPT-4 and ChatGPT at Microsoft, is Gates thinking that its AI can stifle dissent against the Technocrat takeover of the world? This could be the existential end of Free Speech if it is not rejected.

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