Sri Lanka’s Collapse Over UN/WEF Ag Policies Should Be A Warning To The World

Stupid is as stupid does. Elitists at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations are forcing agriculture policies that will literally destroy global food production. Sri Lanka was destroyed when its former President summarily banned fertilizer and drove the nation into starvation and rebellion. Does anyone take a lesson from Sri Lanka? Apparently not.

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ChatGPT Is Thoroughly ‘Woke’ But Google Will Compete To Be Even More Woke

We are in the age of AI wars. The competition is not to see who can produce the most intelligent responses to pressing questions, but to drive the world to more extreme wokeness by skewing answers toward racism, love of leftist causes and hatred of conservative ones. Artificial Intelligence is just that... artificial, and it is written and driven by Technocrat's intent on crushing critical thinking.

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Transhumanism, Eugenics And Faking The Singularity

In the Transhumanist mind, the only way for Transhumanism to succeed is to take over the entire health care delivery system in order to practice their twisted practice of modern eugenics. For anyone who thought that Nazi Germany was an isolated and localized incidence of eugenics, it is now global, pervasive and insidious. America and the world must forcefully reject this entire ideology and its practitioners.

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UK’s ‘Nudge Unit’ Manipulates People Toward ‘Net Zero Society’

In an earlier report, the "nudge unit" recommended that banks track carbon footprint of financial transactions and social interactions to reward "sustainable behaviors". The nudge theory was created by Technocrat economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their book, 2008 as a new tool of social engineering.  The theory has been applied to COVID-19, medical care, climate change, etc.

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US Venture Capital Seeds Chinese Artificial Intelligence Development

Just like days gone by, Western capital is seen funding our enemies. (See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton) In the AI world, Technocrat "birds of a feather flock together." AI offers the greatest tool of social control that the world has ever seen, and it is an absolute necessity for Technocracy to succeed.

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Scientists Use CRISPR To Put Genes From Alligator Into Catfish

Transgenic gene editing means taking a genetic sequence from one species and inserting it into another. The United Nations is cataloging the DNA of all species on earth for this very reason: mix and match. Given enough time, these Technocrat/Transhumanist scientists will cause a meltdown of life on earth from genetic corruption.

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Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows ‘Little To No Difference’ In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection

At the beginning of the Great Pandemic Panic of 2020, any doctor or surgeon who had not already caved to COVID mania, said that face masks had zero value in preventing the spread of a virus. Yet, they were demonized as heretics, deniers and in some cases, even murderers. Now, the truth of the matter is documented.

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ChatGPT Writes Glowing Poem Praising Hunter Biden, Refuses To Write About Marjorie Taylor-Green

ChatGPT is far from neutral. In fact, it turns out that it is as partisan and left-wing as someone like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). Researchers found that it would write a glowing poem for corrupted Hunter Biden but refused to write a comparable poem for conservative Marjorie Taylor-Green.

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Metaverse: ChatGPT Tech Will Let You Talk To Dead Relatives

The digital likeness of your dead relative will be like a rudimentary digital twin that is constructed with discoverable information fed to the AI program. This would include scouring the Internet for social media posts, financial data, postings, travel information, voice patterns, etc. People who don't understand the technology will undoubtedly believe they are really talking to dead people.

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Geneticists Intend To Bring The Dodo Bird Back From Extinction

Combining DNA from extinct dodo birds as well as closely related species, geneticists are perfecting a genome that could bring the dodo Franken-bird to life. This is not cloning, but rather pure genetic engineering. They are seeking crossover ideas for human "health care" applications. Meddling with DNA and life itself is fraught with risk and cannot improve the condition of any living thing.

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