Joe Allen: Vaxxbots Are A Virus Of The Mind

Joe Allen knows a lot about Transhumanism and the technology being used to further its assertions. In his progression of research, he has examined just about every anti-vaxx "conspiracy theory" that has been conjured up explaining what the elitists are doing to humanity. Wild assertions, easy as they are to conjure up, simply do not make for correct understanding. We should stand on what we know, not on vain speculations.

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Solari Report: Ways To Stop Central Bank Digital Currencies

CBDCs are in the works, but transparency and mass action can throw a huge monkey wrench into their implementation. The Solari Report offers a few concrete steps people can take, with the most important being to increase the use of cash while explaining to recipients why cash is endangered and what they can do about it.

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Warning: ChatGPT Is Coming For White-Collar Work

ChatGPT is a generative AI program; that is, it is unsupervised in the creation of text, images, video, audio, etc. Ask a general question and get a specific answer. ChatGPT is only the leading edge of this technology, but it promises to quickly displace a massive number of white-collar jobs.

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Carbon Credit Scam: Pay Indulgences For Sin Of Breathing

Breathing in is free. Breathing out will cost you because you emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Humans are carbon-based entities that exist because of the carbon lifecycle of nature. Basically, the global Technocrat scammers want to penalize you for living. You can easily see the population reduction agenda at work.

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Al Gore Schools Davos Attendees: Global Warming Is “Equivalent Of 600,000 Hiroshima Bombs Daily”

As a leading Technocrat spokesman for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, Al Gore is truly the inmate who desperately wants to take charge of the asylum. His insane rant is so far beyond the pale that only other Davos attendees could possibly nod in agreement.

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Siemens Chairman Calls for ‘Billion People to Stop Eating Meat’

The giant tech company Siemens and its chairman are completely sold out to Technocracy and total control over humanity. Upending traditional agriculture makes way for artificial lab-grown protein and insect farms. Snabe can eat whatever he wants, but he has no business telling you what you should eat!

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U.S. Politicians Who Pimped America To The WEF/Davos Cult

Dear American politicians: America and Americans are not for sale. We are not your prostitute that you can pimp to the Davos cult that pushes the Great Reset and the destruction of America. History will record all of you on the same page as the revolutionary traitor Benedict Arnold.

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Russia, Iran Eye Issuance Of Stablecoin Backed By Gold

After the decoupling of gold from the dollar in 1971, central banks decried "Gold is dead", "Gold is not money", Gold is obsolete"; and thus, the war on gold began, even though those same central banks were quietly accumulating vast stores of gold. Now, suddenly, gold is resurrecting as the most important monetary asset in the world.

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