April 2024

Flashback: When The UN Launched ‘SDG Publishers Compact’ In October 2020

In the heat of the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID-mania), the UN started signing up publishers around the world to support its globalist narrative regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. Wrapped into the SDGs was support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and its strategy for "One Health." In less than 4 years, the publishing world has sung the praises of One Health.

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Epidemic Of Prion Disease Emerging After SARS-CoV-2 And mRNA Jabs

This is the other bombshell to drop since I posted Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity five months ago. Irrefutable evidence has been presented that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), aka Mad Cow Disease, is infecting human brains. This is admittedly complicated to understand. In short, SARC-CoV-2 was itself the first stage of a synthetically engineered bioweapon; the mRNA injections were the second stage. Both produce abnormal spike proteins that should not be in the human body in the first place.

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How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?

How did all this garbage - pure Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy - show up in our cities and states? Answer: a full-court barrage of UN agents. I dare you to search for your city and the words "climate action plan" on Google. You will be shocked! I estimate that seventy percent of all cities already have a formal plan, and another twenty percent are working on it.

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WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs

The author is correct that "It's the totalitarian tip-toe," because there is no other way to use blunt force to summarily drop cash on a worldwide basis. However, the WEF's boast is mostly hot air. Only two countries, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, have officially launched a CBCD. Only a few countries have passed the "proof of concept" phase. Several countries have canceled their CBDC projects, including the Philippines, Kenya, Denmark, Equator, and Finland. Several large countries are in the pilot stage, including China, Russia and India.

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72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents

You didn't get the memo? Terrorists used to be crazy people who blew themselves up in crowds of innocent bystanders, who flew airliners into skyscrapers killing thousands, who chanted "death to America" while dancing in the streets, and who raped, pillaged, and plundered for sport. Now, ordinary, peace-loving Americans are defined as terrorists, and this means YOU.

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Russian Journalist Calls Out The EU As A Technocracy

Indeed, Russia itself danced with Technocrats through the 1920s and 1930s to build the Soviet Utopia. During the ensuing years, virtually all of the technology was exported by the West, propped up that evil regime. Now, this Russian journalist is flat-out calling the EU a Technocracy, and for the right reasons.

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Transhumanism, Digital Twins And Technocratic Takeover Of Bodies

This author cracks the Technocrat conspiracy to use the FDA to institutionalize Transhumanism. Future testing of drugs and therapies will be conducted on digital twins or directly on humans instead of animals. This is a sea change in health (dis)care, paving the for the endless use of EUA to "approve" new drugs.

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Skynet Has Arrived: Google Follows Apple, Activates Worldwide Bluetooth LE Mesh Network

Wearables: Smartphones, fitness trackers, Smartwatches, hearing aids, Apple Air Tags, Ring products, etc., all use Bluetooth LE (low energy) to form an independent "mesh network" that is not based on the Internet. All these devices can receive, send, and forward data packets and instructions to other devices. Almost all IoT devices will be equipped with BLE. Thus, the INFRASTRUCTURE is complete, just waiting to sink its teeth into humanity everywhere.

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UBI: Red States Fight Urge To Give ‘Basic Income’ Cash To Residents

The Universal Basic Income (UBI) movement is global, being pushed straight from the top by the United Nations, which exists for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. In America, it pushed by the National League of Cities that shepherds over 2,700 of the largest cities. Academic institutions like Stanford University, University of Michigan and Arizona State University are pushing it hard.

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