April 2024

Hall Of Shame II: Thanks To Congress, The NSA Is ‘Just Days From Taking Over The Internet’

Technocrats have bamboozled Congress into turning over the physical infrastructure of the Internet to the NSA. I have long argued that whoever controls the routers, switches, scanners, fiber optic and copper cables, servers, firewalls, and cell towers, etc., will be the ultimate controllers of all data passing through the network. The Senate will vote on April 19.

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Hall Of Shame: Congress Votes For Warrantless Surveillance Of Americans

Score one for Technocracy. The House of Representatives had a chance to stop warrantless surveillance of American citizens. It failed, in spite of the Fourth Amendment and in the face of 75 percent of Americans who say the Feds should always get a warrant before conducting a search. The tie-breaking vote was cast by the Speaker of the House, a Republican.

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Technocracy: “The Science Of Social Engineering” And The End Of Debt

As more people are dancing around the topic of Technocracy, more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Personally, I take original Technocracy at its word: First, it is the "science of social engineering," and second, "there will be no place for politics, politicians, finance or financiers." Political systems will vanish in favor of Technocratic control. If there is no private property, finance and financiers will also disappear. This is the meaning of Klaus Schwab's "you will own nothing" and rent everything.

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Flashback 1992: What The Washington Post Wrote About The Trilateral Commission

This sickening and scurrilous faux-expose of the Trilateral Commission talks about the "far-right" and "far-left" critics such as Lyndon LaRouche, Holly Sklar, and the rabidly anti-Semitic rag The Spotlight; but not single word about Antony Sutton and I, who provided the only authoritative analysis of the Trilateral Commission in the late 1970s.

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Islands That Climate Alarmists Said Would Soon “Disappear” Due To Rising Sea Found To Have Grown In Size

When Al Gore (a member of the Trilateral Commission) pandered in 2006 that the seas would certainly rise because the polar ice caps were melting, it was an ingenious "eyes-wide-open" scam of global proportions. Indeed, not one prediction ever made about global warming has come true, and none will never come true because it was a fraud from the start.

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Dropped Without Notice: Insurers Spy On Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons To Cancel Coverage

Did your home insurance rates suddenly take an unexplained hit? Did you get dropped by your carrier without explanation? Chances are that your property (and everything about it) is being spied on from space and analyzed by risk-assessing AI—then you just get the pink slip, only to find that there is no recourse, that all decisions are final. Worse, your property is put on a blacklist to alert other insurance companies to stay away from you.

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Trilateral Commissioner Larry Summers, OpenAI Board Member, Says All Labor Will Be Replaced

With the immediate release of my The Genesis of Modern Globalization (1978-1979), the first in a series of three, Professor Antony Sutton and I lay out all of the details of the Trilateral Commission's early plans to take over the world. Now, a member of the Trilateral Commission sits on the Board of Directors of OpenAI, the company that is expected to dominate the AI field.

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Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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Deadly mRNA Vaccine Trial Test Results In Hogs?

Be very cautious about this story; it has not been independently validated. An anonymous whistleblower is claiming to report on trial test results of mRNA "vaccines" given to 525 hogs. It is plausible, but there are no other leaks on mRNA trials involving hogs. In the meantime, don't follow the crowd on this.

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Tennessee Senate Says “No” To mRNA Vaccines In Food

Wait, what? Your food will have mRNA"vaccines" baked into its genetic structure? That's right! If these crazed transhumanist scientists get their way, you can pick up your "vaccine" at Safeway's produce section. How convenient: Cross-species, synthetic genetic cocktails to trick your body into creating foreign proteins that could kill you.

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