WEF Declares All-Out War On Free Speech As World’s Greatest Threat

The United Nations and the World Economic Forum have pivoted away from climate change and the Great Reset to declare that Free Speech is the number-one enemy in the world. This means that legions of globalists have been launched to drive Free Speech into oblivion. Technocracy News was the first to declare war on Technocracy in 2015. Now you see why.

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Genetically Modified Synthetic Milk To Hit Stores In 2024

It's not milk, but they claim that it is "identical to what cows make." The claim of "substantially equivalent" is made for other GMO products as well, but it is all marketing propaganda designed to deceive the FDA and consumers. There is a wave of startup companies gearing up to fill supermarket shelves in 2024.

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Shoppers Fume At “Robocop” In Supermarket Aisles

Shoplifting has always been a problem, but turning stores into panopticons isn't the solution. Big-box stores that exhibit technocratic anti-human behavior by cutting staff and then treating customers like criminals should be shamed into oblivion. Safer Pod S1 hoovers up all conceivable data in the environment, including facial scans, audio conversations, movements, and details about appearance.

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“Fake News” Is What Worries WEF The Most

The WEF is afraid of losing control of the "The Great Narrative," so this will be the major theme at this year's meeting in Davos. They are deathly afraid of nations electing populist leaders like the Netherlands, France, Argentina, and the United States. They have especially pulled all the stops to get rid of Donald Trump.

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The Great Taking: The Largest Criminal Heist In The History Of The World

I have stated for years that the resources of the world were being stolen from the nations and, hence, the people of the world. The mechanism for total social control is Technocracy. In The Evil Twins of Technocracy & Transhumanism, I clearly showed that the Central Banks were the perpetrators. The prop for this con was climate change. 

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Weinstein To Carlson: W.H.O. Intends To End Free Speech In America

Free Speech is on the chopping block in 2024. We know now who started the conspiracy to commit murder, how they will carry it out, and how they will cover their tracks afterward. If they are successful, it will mean the collapse of America and the end of personal freedom and liberty. Do you care enough to stand up and fight them? Now is the time to support Citizens for Free Speech!!

Flashback 2016: Technocracy Will Rise Out Of The Ashes Of Western Civilization

When I wrote this in 2016, it largely fell on deaf ears. Now, not so much. When former UN climate tzar Christiana Figueres said in 2015 that there was an intention, timetable, and action plan in place to kill capitalism, she meant it. She was speaking as a proxy for the Trilateral Commission. The immigration invasion continues to intensify to this day, and 2024 may be the target date for the murder of America.

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Red Alert: The Total, Final Obliteration Of Free Speech In 2024

Glenn Beck needs to understand Technocracy, but he understands the importance of Free Speech in America. Here, he exposes the globalist plot to obliterate Free Speech in 2024. It's true. Not in 2030 or 2026, but in 2024. TN featured this story on Dec. 6: Global Censorship Strategy: US And UK Military Contractors Conspiracy. Glenn is exploding it here. If you fail to watch and comprehend, then you become part of the problem. 

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When You Sit In A “Digital Car” You Consent To Being Recorded And Personal Data Sold

If you own an EV or a "digital car," you better watch what you say because you might be under total surveillance, and that goes for your passengers as well. What? Your data will be sold, too? Yep. Multiple times to multiple companies. However, there is an easy opt-out fix: "Never buy them, drive them, sit in them, or exist on the street when they drive by." 

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Have You Met Your Car’s Digital Twin?

Creating Digital Twins for cars is totally disrupting manufacturing in the automotive industry, but how about a digital twin of YOUR car? Real-time collection from YOUR car updates YOUR digital twin and schedules preemptive maintenance and service. Of course, how and where you drive is collected. Off-road? On the freeway? Speed? Long trips? Short trips? How many times did you stomp on the brake? Every unique data identifier goes along with it.

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