Scientists Close To Controlling All Genetic Material On Earth

I have already detailed the plan to take over all genetic material on Earth that was hatched at the UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. "Designer Chromosomes" means a synthetically engineered free-for-all using material from different species. This is a huge breakthrough for the Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Evil, indeed.

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Car Mogul: ‘Manic Move To Electric Vehicles” Will Destroy the Auto Industry

Bernie Moreno knows the auto industry as the founder of one of the largest dealerships in the country. He sees the intentional decimation of the entire sector, with China being the main beneficiary. Members of the Trilateral Commission who built China in the first place are licking their chops as they see the approaching economic merger with that country and the final absorption of the U.S.

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Elon Musk Delivers Satellite Tech To Military To Turn Earth Into A Panopticon Of Surveillance

As a Technocrat, Elon Musk has no moral or ethical problem with helping the military and intelligence agencies turn the entire planet into a panopticon where moving objects (even people) can be tracked in real-time, even through smoke, dust, cloud cover, and at night. Musk also has Asperger's syndrome, which is classed within the Autism spectrum. He has repeatedly said over the years that he "wants to save humanity" as if it is a fixation for him. Beware.

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Technology As Tyrant: A Glimpse Into A Dystopian Technocratic World

This writer correctly makes the association between Technocracy and Transhumanism and how they hold the same mechanistic worldview about the utopian/dystopian future. This radical worldview clashes with over 95 percent of the people in the world and yet is every bit as tyrannical as anything seen in history.

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Technocracy Is Constructing AI-Powered Control Grid To End Freedom

The late Rosa Koire saw it as “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Hype Or Danger: Does AI Really Pose Existential Threat To Humanity?

This story is suspicious for several reasons: 1) it is showcased by Time, Inc., a major globalist organ; 2) the study was sponsored by the State Department, where the Sec'y of State Blinken is a Trilateral Commission member; 3) the authors of the study were formerly associated with Y-Combinator that Sam Altman once ran, in other words, they are Technocrats who may be freaking out over the monster they have created.

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The Big Squeeze: Over 140,000 U.S. Farms Lost In 5 Years

This editor has an extensive background in farming and ranching, so this story is both sad and maddening. The plight of family farms has been dire for decades, but it is now getting existential. The UN's Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda, coupled with the war on carbon and nitrogen-based fertilizers on the one hand, and on the other, the massive consolidation of the food chain into 6 giant global corporations.

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It Begins: AI Is Being Used To Deceive Voters, Disrupt Elections Worldwide

The WEF, UN, and the global elitists want to destroy democracy worldwide, even as they say that they will save democracy. The WEF's main topic in its 2024 meetup in Davos was "disinformation" that threatens its existence, even as calls went out to Big Tech, governments, and  "Fact Checkers" to harness AI to do away with dissent. Thus, the article below should be understood as a Trojan Horse to mask the institutional deceivers while blaming the rest on everybody else.

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Whitehead: Tyranny Is Rising As Freedom Falls

With a PhD in philosophy, Arendt experienced the rise of Hitler in Germany and the horrors of concentration camps before she escaped to the US in 1941. She is qualified to speak about tyranny. Technocrats who willingly helped Hitler kill millions of "useless eaters" were just as insane as he was. This is the case today, but now Technocrats themselves are leading the world to its doom.

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