It Begins: Mankind’s Genetic Overwrite

I have to say a couple of things about “GMO man”, alternatively called H+ and Humans 2.0.

This has been a holy grail for Transhumans and Technocrats for decades.

In fact, it has been a core missive in the UN’s Agenda 21 and its 2015 remake, 2030 Agenda. Anybody who dare to even whisper the words “Agenda 21” was branded a conspiracy freak. Propaganda at its worst.

Here is the rest of the story.

In 1994, two critics of the UN’s Agenda 21 wrote, “the main stake raised by the biodiversity convention is the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity… the major concern was protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries.”*

Evolution and natural selection is out. Genetic modification is in. Controlling species through genetic engineering will rewrite nature while allowing the patenting of life itself, including humans. This crackpot ideology has been brewing for decades but few have recognized it. Transhumanists call it Humans 2.0. Technocrats call it Nature 2.0.

This is why you keep reading about the importance of “intellectual property” in international circles. It’s about corporate trademarks,  patents and proprietary inventions. It all sounded so noble and right minded.

However, hidden behind the aura of respectableness lurked crazy, metaphysical scientists who more likely should be found in the insane asylum instead of the halls of academia and industry. This is not just insanity, it’s insanity 2.0.

These scientists have a self-declared “manifest destiny” that requires them to rewrite genetic code wherever it is found: bacteria, viral, plants, animals and humans. Since they uniformly don’t believe in God, they have no regard for a designed creation. Rather, they believe that evolution was sloppy and disorganized, and that it’s up to them to straighten it out by directly taking control over all DNA. They will be the designers from now on.

What kind of megalomania could this be? The worst kind ever. It seeks to control the earth and everything in it, but it is instead destroying the earth and everything in it. It is anti-human. It is anti-nature. It is anti-God. How could it all be so “anti”-everything? When an individual becomes the center of his/her own universe and existence, it’s them against the world.

The vaccine that is rolling out this week is NOT FDA approved. Rather, it is operating under an emergency yet temporary approval. Nothing is known about its long-term effects, but this much IS known: It delivers a package of messenger RNA into your body that will in turn lead to DNA changes. Most importantly, it opens the door for a delivery mechanism that will be virtually impossible to destroy in the future.

* The Earth Brokers, Chattergee and Finger, p. 43 ⁃ TN Editor

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.