Are Vaccine Passports A Trojan Horse For Another Agenda?

Yes, you can bet on that.

After 9/11, we got the Patriot Act that gave us the TSA, intrusive patdowns, no fly lists, x-ray machines, Fusion Centers, FISA court deceptions, spying on cell phone communications, tracking, etc. Was all of this co-incidental or part of a larger plan to subjugate America. For the sake of 2,977 people who died in the tower meltdown, 375 million were sapped of freedom, liberty, dignity and privacy.

How many terrorists did the TSA ever catch? In the act of a terrorist attack, none. In 2016, VOX reported that “only 0.6 percent of TSA flaggings led to an arrest. None of those arrests were designated as terrorism-related.

Do you see what I am thinking here? Is it conceivably possible for an all out “war on terrorism” to produce zero results according to its own mission statement?

And yet, intelligence weasels have the brass to tell us that the reason there has been no terrorist attacks on airplanes is BECAUSE the TSA was there to “scare them off.”

Enter the pandemic. For all the shutdowns, lockdowns, social distancing, business closings, travel reductions, etc., that has been waged by the full force of government, have these things done anything to end the “war on COVID”? Nope. If anything, these policies resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands that would not have otherwise been on the short list for dying.

So now we have global vaccine passports where your health information will be put on display for all to see. They will contain a universal id so all the rest of your personal information can be attached to it. Depending on your “status”, you may get privileges or not.

No vax? Forget flying across the nation to see your kids or parents. Forget shopping at certain stores that won’t let you in. You might lose your job. Forget those concerts, ball games and other mass events that you used to attend and greatly enjoy.

This grim life will be countered by authorities with “You can be free if you just take the vaccine!”.

What tripe.

I shudder to make this comparison, but it seems to me that a vaccine passport, or the lack of one, is comparable to the yellow star forced upon Jews in Nazi Germany. Once the Jews were identified, the persecution gradually worsened until many ended up in gas chambers or work death-camps.

Can anyone think that the un-vaxxed, once properly identified, will not receive increasing pressure in the future? I think we can bet on that, too.

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.