ER’s Are Suddenly Filled With Seriously Ill, But Not With COVID

An ambulance crew weaves a gurney through the halls of the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan. Overcrowding has forced staff members to triage patients, putting some in the waiting rooms, and treating others on stretchers and chairs in the halls. (Lester Graham/Michigan Public Radio)
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Signs of medical apocalypse are surfacing in hospital ERs across the country. The system is being overwhelmed with seriously ill patients that do not have COVID. Blood clots, heart conditions, abdominal pain and respiratory problems are common. Medical Technocrats remain silent.

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About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.
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