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The UFO Singularity

 Author: Micah Hanks  Category: Body, Mind & Spirit  Publisher: Career Press  Published: January 1, 2012  ISBN: 978-1-60163-240-1

“At the forefront of a new generation of UFOlogists, Micah Hanks is someone who isn’t afraid to tackle new paradigms, ideas, and theories. The future of flying saucer seeking is in good hands!” –Nick Redfern, author of The NASA Conspiracies Why and how are past unexplained phenomena changing our future? Where will transcending the bounds of current thinking lead? How near is the singularity? The UFO Singularity finally reveals what UFO phenomena can tell us about greater-than-human intelligence, and offers provocative theories of where such intelligence might originate. You’ll explore the most challenging metaphysical questions and the latest scientific thoughts about them, including: What is the singularity, and how does it relate to UFOs? Could some UFOs be from our plane? Could they actually be time travelers from our future? What current scientific trends are leading us to the kinds of advanced technology we’ve observed in various UFO reports? Are there other ways in which UFOs could be considered “extraterrestrial visitors” in our midst, even if they didn’t get here in the way that most people think (via interplanetary space flight)?

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