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 Author: Iain Davis  Category: COVID-19 (Disease)  Published: January 1, 2021  ISBN: 9798524850812

“The COVID-19 pandemic was a global humanitarian tragedy. Every life lost was an unbearable pain inflicted upon suffering families the world over. When the World Health Organisation declared the pandemic they signalled to governments around the world that they must take action to protect their populations from the ravages of a pandemic disease. Did they also alert a global network of public-private partnerships that their opportunity had arrived? Many warned that the measures taken to protect the public would add further unnecessary suffering. They stated that the policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic was contrary to the scientific evidence and prevailing epidemiological wisdom. Raising concerns about devastation caused by lockdowns and other mitigation measures, they maintained that the cure was worse than the disease. Convinced by the politicians and the media that the scale of the threat necessitated unprecedented restrictions, the vast majority considered these sceptics to be fools. But what if the sceptics were right? What are the costs of the pandemic response and did some see COVID-19 as the justification they sought to pursue their ambitions? Built upon a rigorous examination of the evidence, Pseudopandemic explores the unthinkable and delivers a damning indictment of global corruption.”–Amazon website.

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