Search Results for food

Tennessee Senate Says “No” To mRNA Vaccines In Food

Wait, what? Your food will have mRNA"vaccines" baked into its genetic structure? That's right! If these crazed transhumanist scientists get their way, you can pick up your "vaccine" at Safeway's produce section. How convenient: Cross-species, synthetic genetic cocktails to trick your body into creating foreign proteins that could kill you.

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Tyson Foods Scales Up Investment In Insect Protein Maker For Global Food Chain

The "fact checkers" went nuts to shame people for jumping to conclusions about Tyson's partnership with Protix to get into the insect craze. Tyson will build plants here to produce insect food to feed genetically modified insects, which will be fed to animals. No mention of Protix's statement, "We believe that feeding the growing world population should go hand in hand with protecting our beautiful planet."

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Food Chain Reaction 2015 Simulation

Food Chain Reaction was an international simulation held in Washington D.C. in November 2015. Over the course of two days, 65 thought leaders and policy-makers…

Jack Dorsey: VR Will Turn Us Into WALL-E Blobs Who ‘Drink Food Out Of Straws’

The founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has leveled stark criticism at the end result of virtual and enhanced reality. It is currently very expensive to play, but as prices are brought down and the masses can afford to purchase, the disruptive side-effect could be devastating to society.

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As Russia Targets Food And Water, Is The Holodomor About To Repeat In Ukraine?

In 1932-1933, the USSR attacked Ukraine by disrupting its food supply. The historical article below gives the grizzly details of the genocidal campaign that caused the death of at least 4 million people. It was called Holodomor, or "death by starvation". As Russia today targets agriculture and water in Ukraine, questions are rising: It a repeat of history taking place?

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Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

Technocracy's war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with "saving the environment" or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.

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Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Foods?

The idea of eating vaccine technology through plants and animals is not new. Transhumans and Technocrats have been intent on taking over all genetic material on earth since at least 1992 with the advent of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21, where the term Biodiversity was redefined as "genetic manipulation."

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Food Imports: Poor Countries On The Brink Of Crisis

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sounds a warning over a problem it caused in the first place, namely food disruption. How? By talking nations into restricting nitrogen fertilizer to grow bountiful crops. This idiotic policy literally destroyed Sri Lanka and threatens many others who cannot pay for high priced imports. Technocrats seldom see the cause-and-effect of their short-sighted policies.

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Risk On: The Dramatic Rise Of Genetically Modified Food

Technocratic tinkering with life is risky to human life and well- being. While skating by the Department of Agriculture as "substantially equivalent" foods, genetically engineered products are permanently tainting our food supply. The biggest risk is to the human biome and the immune system. Each year large numbers of food items are added to the GMO shelf in supermarkets.

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Giant Food Companies Stampede To Raise Insects For Food

Innovafeed has secured big funding to build a bug factory in Illinois and pledges to "place sustainable development and social impact at the heart of its business model and thus reinforce the global positive impact of the industry." I haven't talked with anyone who wants to eat insects instead of real vegetables, meat, dairy, etc. What do you think?

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