Articles by Alternate Author

Transhumanism: The New Pharaohs And Their New Pagan Gods

The quest for immortality is as old as human existence, but has taken on a modern form in Transhumanism that is just as superstitious and silly as the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It will just as certainly fail in the end.

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How Will DNA Be Collected For Future Healthcare?

A fierce battle is raging between DNA Technocrats as to the best way to collect DNA from the population: should it be the professional medical community or consumer services like 23andMe? Either way, your data can and will be weaponized against you.

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Julia Unwin: Why We Need To Build Social Capital In Cities

This is a lecture given by Julia Unwin at the Human Cities Institute’s sixth Annual Lecture in Leeds, UK. It epitomizes the United Nations' New Urban Agenda Pollyannish view of city living in the future. This sentiment is seen globally in identical format.

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Amazon Ring Security Cameras Present Oxymoron

Your unencrypted and unprotected Ring video stream is openly available to Ring staffers in Ukraine, and to others who can discover your email address. Technocrats have no ethical boundaries or concern for the rights of others when it comes to data.

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UPDATE: AT&T Stops Selling Location Data Amid Calls For Fed Investigation

AT&T was caught red handed and exposed this week by Motherboard. for selling customer location data, an egregious violation of privacy laws. Today, AT&T says they have stopped selling data because they now know a Federal investigation is being ramped up. If history is a guide, AT&T will resume selling after the heat and attention have passed. AT&T is a classic example of Technocracy in action.

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How T-Mobile, Sprint & AT&T Sell Your Smartphone Geo-Location Data

Are you happy that every Tom, Dick and Harry in the world can pinpoint your location and track your whereabouts like the CIA? Mega-carriers apparently gain huge profits by selling your location data to private, and often shady, data mining companies, who in turn sell it to others. This makes mockery of every privacy agreement ever offered by these companies.

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