Articles by Alternate Author

Censorship is Rising And Free Speech Is Diminishing Throughout The World

Forcing compliance requires muzzling your speech, whether its shadow-banning, censorship, label lynching or faux hate-speech. The only practitioners of censorship are autocrats and in most cases, Technocrats. This dangerous trend is producing many martyrs who pay with their very life.

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Israel-Based Startup First To Create Lab-Grown Steak

Using very sophisticated regenerative science, Aleph Farms intends to disrupt the traditional meat industry with lab-grown or 'clean' meat. Technocrats create solutions for problems that exist only in their mind.

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FBI Seeks ‘Rapid DNA’ Database To Check Perps

The barriers to ubiquitous DNA scanning and identification are being rapidly broken down as law enforcement adopts new devices being sold without regulations attached. Who will have access to the results and what will they do with them?

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5G Is A Wrong Way Driver On The Highway Of Scientific Inquiry

]Federal and state regulators and in particular the FCC have been overrun by industry lobbyists who have side-stepped virtually all health-testing requirements for 5G. States, counties and cities have the power to properly regulate 5G and the Internet of Things, but citizens must first make their voices heard

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Historic? DeepMind’s AlphaZero AI Shows Human-Like Intuition

It's only a chess game this time, but in real life do we really want AI that "readily sacrificed its soldiers for a better position in the skirmish... placing far less value on individual pieces."? Intuition is a characteristic of the human soul, which inert AI can never duplicate.

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