Articles by Alternate Author

Global Elite: Regionalism Is Only Path To New World Order

Regional governance amongst nations works in tandem with regionalism within nations, such as with Councils of Governments in the U.S. Both are purposely designed to destroy the nation-state, making way for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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UN Pushes To Criminalize Opposition To Mass Migration

The UN pushes the mantra that Sustainable Development is only possible in a multi-cultural society, which guarantees the elimination of the nation-state. However, immigration is only pushed toward First World countries, like Europe and the United States.

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Western Auto Giants Accused Of Spying On Citizens For Chinese Government

Ford, Tesla, Volkswagen, BMW and 200 more carmakers are feeding location data to the Chinese government. That this data would not be used to augment citizen oppression is inconceivable. The fact is, electric autos already transmit location data to the automaker; they are merely turning it over to control-freak Technocrats. Americans should take a very hard look at Tesla and Ford, remembering the Elon Musk's grandfather was the Canadian leader of Technocracy, Inc. in Canada during the 1930s and 1940s. Ford has always leaned toward Technocracy, playing to a key theme in Huxley's Brave New World, where time was measured as AF, or 'Anno Ford'. Apparently neither Ford nor Tesla care that they are helping enslave 20% of the human race in China, and if true, would they do it to the other 80%? The answer is self-evident!

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Is Alibaba’s Jack Ma Using AI To Create Dystopian Cities?

Alibaba and Jack Ma are to China what Google and Eric Schmidt are to the U.S. Both are billionaires, both push dystopia cities and both are closely tied to their government. Note that Schmidt was appointed head of a Pentagon committee designed to integrate Silicon Valley into the intelligence services.

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