Articles by Alternate Author

MIT: Designer Babies Have Arrived Thanks To Genetic Testing

Technocrat-minded scientists, with their rudimentary editing tools for DNA, are moving closer and closer to gaining free and legal access to the seeds of life. This is an encouragement for Transhumanists who want to reengineer DNA for Humanity 2.0. 

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Technocratic Corporatocracy Hijacks Public Schools For Profit

In 1934, Technocracy, Inc. stated that: "A continental system of human conditioning will have to be installed to replace the existing insufficient educational methods and institutions.“ Today's education usurpers are still bent on 'human conditioning."

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Technocracy In China: Investigations And Purges Are The New Normal

Historically, Technocracy has never honored any semblance of due process under the law. Outliers, troublemakers and undesirables are simply thrown under the buss or disappeared. Because China is a model Technocracy, it is totally predictable that it would act this way.

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100 Arizona Activists Turn State Policy Around On Vaccine Education Policy

A vocal few who make sense and not chaos can work wonders in any setting. Pro-vaccine civil workers are left to continue their grousing about losing herd immunity due to lack of vaccinations. Who taught these people that humans are nothing more than a herd of animals in the first place?

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J.P. Morgan Chase Makes Huge Investment Into Fintech

Fintech is the financing model for Sustainable Development, using blockchain, digital currency, digital payment systems, and ubiquitous tracking of every conceivable transaction to be analyzed by Artificial Intelligence. J.P Morgan Chase intends to dominate.

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Doom And Gloom Scientists Now Warn Of Worldwide Famine

Computer modeling has become a god unto itself, and Technocrat operators are never concerned that their data and programming is uncertain. So, if rising water doesn't drown you, tornados and hurricanes don't destroy you, then you will likely die of hunger due to food shortages.

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