Articles by Alternate Author

A Smart Home Is A Surveilled Home As Governments Demand Data

Wherever there is personal data, including in the privacy of your own home, it will be pried out into public view to be potentially used against you. All Smart Home devices contain such data and the barriers to access are rapidly breaking down. Don't  fall back on "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about."

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Al Gore Declares ‘We Have A Global Emergency’ Over Jet Stream ‘Getting Loopier And Wavier’

Technocrats Al Gore, the IPCC and the UN are locked in a groupthink death spiral. The UN calls it an 'ear-splitting wake-up call. Gore declares that Earth's atmosphere is an 'open sewer'. Yes, something is 'loopier' here, but it isn't the jet stream that should worry us.

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Scientists Freak Out Over Pandemic Potential Of Genetically Engineered Smallpox

The fact that 300 million people have died from Smallpox was not enough to stop Technocrat scientists from using CRISPR DNA editing technology to bioengineer the killer virus - and then tell the world how they did it1! Again, Technocrat scientists invent because they can, not because there is any good reason to do so.

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DARPA Working On Mind-Control For Drones

DARPA is the research arm of the US military establishment, and is charged with developing advanced technology that would result in total domination of the battlefield. Unfortunately, the military is increasingly turning its attention to American citizens.

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Study: DNA Databases Can Send Police Or Hackers To Your Door

Every genealogical/Service I have researched talks incessantly about Privacy and having control over your own data. All such language is deceptive and misleading, designed to trick people into buying their testing kits. Now that large databases have been built, your data is on display for anyone who can pay or provide a subpoena.

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Joint Communication Network For Biometric Databases Being Established

The Military is instructing local police forces how to "master the human domain" with biometric identification and AI analysis of populations. On the battlefield, mastering the human domain means changing, informing or shaping human behavior. When turned on our own civilian population, you have the ultimate social engineering event that will transform society.

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Fixing Air Pollution And Soot Would Be Faster And 20X Cheaper Than CO2 Fix

If you don't think the world needs to spend $48 Trillion to get rid of CO2, then it has a Plan B for you: 16 other measures that could do the same thing for a fraction of the cost. Real air pollution has been very successfully reduced in cities like Pittsburgh, PA, but it wasn't because CO2 was removed or that it followed some UN mandate.

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