Articles by Alternate Author

Project Safe Cam: Homeowners Hook Up Own Cameras To Police Net

In Las Vegas, over 1,100 homeowners have volunteered their home cameras to be hooked up to the police video network. While this sounds like a good idea to some homeowners, it puts them directly in harms way for privacy liability. In this case, privacy issues have not been properly thought through.

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Facebook And Google Are Teaming Up On Artificial Intelligence

Technocrats at Big Tech giants realize that AI is too big to go it alone, especially when consortiums can produce useful tools and breakthroughs for everyone involved. However, given the hundreds of billions being spent on AI development, will the results end up in hands that society can trust?

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Claim: Universal Basic Mobility Is A Human Right?

Move over Universal Basic Income (UBI. Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) is coming, and it promises to be the foundation of a healthy economy. Of course, get rid of gas guzzling cars, promote ride sharing, electric scooters and bicycles, and increase busses and light rail.

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Wind Farms Cause Global Warming

Technocrat solutions to a non-extent problem of global warming are causing more environmental damage than previously thought. From moving parts that break to damaging land use, wind farms cause as many problems as they solve. In addition, they are not economic without government subsidies to keep them alive.

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Big Fight Brewing As Lawmakers Consider National Privacy Law

Some lawmakers are getting wise to Big Tech's demands for self-regulation of privacy issues, and are putting citizens first. Since Technocrats compulsively hoard data, they will fight against any restrictions on data collection. This will be a real test for Technocracy vs. Constitutional Republic.

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TSA Facial Recognition System Gets Only 85% Match Rate

"Your papers, please." Thus far, TSA is failing miserably on implementing biometric identification systems at U.S. airports. While there is no doubt that some bad actors will be caught with a perfect system, it is a gross violation of the Constitution to collect data on every citizen or traveller.

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That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May Be Spying

Technocrat engineers just won't let surveillance drop, no matter how much resistance is applied. Sneaking in license plate readers to speed signs is deceptive and unconstitutional. While the claim is always made that "we won't use the data for other purposes", everyone knows that is impossible; once data exists anywhere, Technocrat data scientists harvest it without reservation.

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