Articles by Alternate Author

Big Tech To Congress: Privacy Rules On Our Terms Only

Big Tech is already throwing millions into lobbying and jockeying for position on the upcoming privacy battle in America. They are pushing for self-regulation, which is likely even worse than the fox guarding the henhouse. Only consumers and citizens can cut Big Tech down to size, and they must.

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FCC Ruling On 5G Fees Blocks Cities From Surcharge Fees

5G carriers have successfully lobbied the FCC to block city surcharges on their 5G installations. This oversteps FCC authority and is patently unconstitutional. Basically, carriers want cities to stay out of their hair as they rollout 5G nilly-willy across America. This underscores that Big Tech is in full control of the political/regulatory process.

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DHS Follows China’s Lead On Facial Recognition At Airports

The Department of Homeland Security is inching toward's China's "Leave no dark corner" total surveillance society, despite condemnation from every privacy protection group in America. The optical recognition images they collect are far more complex than normal snapshots. Because 2.5 million passengers fly every single day, there is no better place to build a national biometric database than through the TSA in airports.

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Restaurant Robots May Upend The Food Industry, Or Not

Restaurants have traditionally provided a solid foundation for entry-level jobs in society. As robots displace young workers, the possibility exists that, after the novelty wears off, the public will completely reject restaurant automation, leaving Technocrat inventors shaking their heads.

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From Democracy To Technocracy To Stone Age

Technocracy is increasingly recognized as a major force in the current of human affairs, but also as an unmitigated train wreck. The dream of Utopia is just that - a dream. Technocrats think 'this time its different' because they have new technology and philosophy, but they are deluded.

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Growing Numbers Are Falling In Love With A Computer-Generated Simulation

Game addiction expanding its reach when player fall in love with an AI driven chat-bot. Young minds cannot yet clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy, and thus are easy marks to be led into this strange non-reality. Technocrats who build these games are driven by a lust for social engineering.

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Google CEO Sundar Pichai Claims Search Engine Has No Political Bias

Sundar Pichai is a Technocrat who is so buried in his own Alice in Wonderland Utopian vision that he cannot see reality right under his nose. Google simply does not see or believe that it has any political bias. This is more dangerous than knowingly applying a political bias.

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Corrupt Scientists Driven To Resign, but Not Climate Scientists?

Top researchers and scientists are being forced to resign over egregious ethical violations and conflicts of interest, but it appears that climate scientists are still getting a free pass. Climate science has been rife with purposely falsified data and the same kind of ethical breaches as found in this story.

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