Articles by Alternate Author

Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill To Make California 100% Carbon-Free By 2045

California rate-payers will soon understand the insanity of their state leadership's drive to kill carbon. California is rich in oil and natural gas resources which has adequately powered the state for many decades. Gov. Brown intends to scrap that entire infrastructure in return for an economically unsound system of 'renewables.'

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Bay Area City Halts 5G Development Over Health Concerns

5G Technocrats who blatantly ignored early health warnings are now embroiled in conflict with cities who are blocking installation over those same concerns. As the news cycle spreads these development, other cities are further encouraged to throw up stop signs. It's going to be a tectonic battle.

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Head Of British Science Ass’n: AI Greater Concern Than Terrorism Or Climate Change

Many Technocrats who are inventing AI solutions insist that AI will create more jobs than it replaces. Other Technocrats offer Universal Basic Income as a solution to certain displacement. Common sense says AI is a certain train wreck just waiting to happen. Who will you believe?

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TSA Bringing Facial Recognition To Airports As ‘User Friendly’

Technocrats at the TSA have no regard for privacy or for their contribution to the creation of a police state. Their sales pitch stresses convenience and speed of check in. However, if TSA has not already created a convoluted system in the first place, such convenience would be moot. Nevertheless, the TSA says, "we believe it will change the face of international travel."

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Apple Veteran: Silicon Valley’s ‘Fast Fail’ Approach Won’t Work In Health Care

Technocrats in Silicon Valley have turned their technology toward solving health care problems, but the culture of  'fast fail' to find success will not work in healthcare because people will die in the process. Technocrats may view this merely breaking a few eggs for a big omelet.

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Lab-Grown Mini-Brains Are Causing An Ethical Uproar

This is further development of President Obama's multibillion-dollar brain-map initiative started in 2013. Just as human DNA was 'mapped', the BRAIN project was to probe the human brain in action and figure out exactly how it works. Driving forces behind this included Transhumanists who seek immortality through science.

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IBM Used NYPD Surveillance Footage to Develop Technology That Lets Police Search by Skin Color

Technocrats depend upon external data to fuel their various experiments. Without data, their is no reason for their existence. Further, data is seen as a universal right somehow granting them special powers of acquisition: it you have it, they think they have a right to it.

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France’s Clean Nuclear Energy Leapfrogs Germany’s Solar And Wind

In the battle for 'clean' energy, France has whipped Germany by a margin of 3 to 1 with its use of reliable nuclear power. However, most environmental zealots hate nuclear energy as much as fossil fuels, so their collective global lobby has blocked development of new nuclear power plants. If it is allowed to continue, this foolishness will set humanity back 100 years.

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