Articles by Alternate Author

The Universal War On Cash Is Gaining Momentum

Removing cash from the economy forces everyone to become digitalized whether they like it or not. It destroys the last semblance of anonymity and privacy, allowing the Technocrat banking machine to harvest every monetary transaction in the world. Blockchain will become the perfect medium of 'preserving' transactions except that the data will be held by centralized supercomputers.

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Ron Paul: The NSA Continues To Abuse Americans By Intercepting Their Telephone Calls

The NSA is viewed as evil, but it must be remembered that it reports directly to the Director of National Intelligence, Daniel Coats, who is a member of President Trump's cabinet. Coats is responsible for line-item budget control of all intel agencies, and authorizes every activity. Thus, it is inconceivable that the President does not understand these activities.

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Blockchain Usage Spreads To Climate Action, Sustainable Development

To a Technocrat, all conceivable problems can only be solved with technology, and if unsuccessful on the first few tries, then throw more technology at it. The UN pledges to eliminate poverty around the world; the answer is to embed sensors to cookstoves to collect blockchain information? People who are treated like livestock will never escape their corrals.

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Scientific Advisory Committee On Climate Change Reconvenes In New York

Where President Trump has shut down the national committee on climate change, New York is starting it back up anyway, with help from Columbia University. The new committee of 19 scientists will be working directly with cities, bypassing federal and state-level oversight.

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UN Claim: Energy Is A Basic Human Right

Freedom is a basic human right, while energy is not. Energy is a commercially-produced product that is available for a fee, in order to extend your personal horsepower beyond your own efforts. Everyone should be free to purchase energy if they have the need to do so, but nobody has the right to demand free energy just because they are human.

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Scientists Say AI Can Predict Your Personality By Studying Your Eyes

This is reminiscent of phrenology in the 1800s where 'scientists' would look for bumps and dents in the cranium in order to predict personality or other mental traits. It was later disproven as a pseudo-scientific hoax, and largely abandoned. Reading eye movements will prove useless as well.

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Sheikh Zayed: Islam’s Deep Roots In Sustainable Development

Sheikh Zayed, father of the UAE, was an early adopter of environmental practices, indicating the compatibility between sustainable development and the Koran. This affinity may be one reason why Adolf Hitler (a radical 'green') had a such a robust relationship with the Islamic world during WWII. In other words, their mutual hatred of Jews may have a reason, but not the only reason for their mutual attraction.

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Fears Raised Over Human Cloning As New Biomedical Science Emerges

Regardless of statements to the contrary, this technology will ultimately lead to the attempted cloning of humans. Technocrat scientists invent because they can, not because there is any good, moral or ethical reason to do so. The guiding philosophy is whatever science can do, it should do.

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California Looking To Be First State To Mandate Solar Panels On New Homes

Radical environmentalists are asserting themselves again in California as they seek to mandate solar panels for all new homes, which could cost up to $30,000 more per unit. The Technocrat mindset is that there is a scientific solution to every conceivable problem, but personal freedom of choice does not enter their mind.

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With Smart Cities, Your Every Step Will Be Recorded

Sensor networks are being installed across America and will ultimately be ubiquitously connected together in real-time by the emerging 5G wireless communication technology. Note that all of this is created by scientists and engineers. Promising benefits to citizens is akin to the United Nations boasting that they are going to eliminate poverty worldwide.

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