Articles by Alternate Author

Scientists: Climate Change Is ‘Not As Bad As We Thought’

When Technocrat scientists refer to a 'computer model' of weather, it means just that. It is not the weather, but only some scientist's idea of what the weather is or should be. Thus, there could be an infinite number of models depending on who is programming them, which assumptions are used and whose data is provided.

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DARPA Inspired: First Drone Warship Joins US Navy To Hunt Submarines

It is already publicly acknowledged that in the future, Sea Hunter will be equipped with missiles, torpedoes or other armaments to build  "a human-machine collaborative battle fleet." WWIII will be fought with autonomous drones. We can thank the Technocrats at DARPA for this 'mad science'.

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Transhuman Dreamin’: Brains Kept Alive Without A Body

The lure of Transhuman immortality intensifies as scientists discover that a brain can stay alive outside of its original body. It is a giant, if not impossible, leap to believe that such a brain could be transplanted into another body.

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Robots Greet Customers At First Personless Bank

China Construction Bank is China's second largest bank where Technocrats have won the day by creating the world's first personless bank, run exclusively by robots and AI. Bank employees around the world would do well to take heed.

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China Joins The Global Push For Cashless Society

Technocracy demands total digital control over the entire global economy, and this cannot be achieved until cash has been completely driven out; this war on cash is already evident on every continent in the world, and it not to be taken lightly!

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