Articles by Alternate Author

China Opposes All Forms Of Protectionism Says Commerce Minister

Short article with a long history. China was originally (1973 onward)  built and shaped into a Technocracy by members of the Trilateral Commission, which concreted the idea that Free Trade was everything and that all national barriers around the world must be removed. It is no surprise that China continues to rail against protectionism.

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Bill Gates Backs Plan To Surveil The Entire Planet From Space

Bill Gates and his Technocrat buddies must be in data heaven over this announcement. Buried on EarthNow's website is one telling purpose that is in the middle of a larger list: "Help 'Smart Cities' become more efficient." Honestly, TN doesn't think they really care about the first offering: "catching illegal fishing ships in the act."

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China Blanketing Tibet With Massive Rain-Making Geoengineering Project

As a Technocracy, China has a scientific solution for everything, including its perceived lack of fresh water. Their solution is to install tens of thousands of cloud-seeding chambers in Tibet that will create clouds to dump rain on China. The project is developed by state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, a defense contractor.

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Autonomous Killer Drones Will Soon Decide Who, When And Where

Technocrat engineers create because they can, not because they have a moral base to do so. A few short years ago, the military swore they would not create killer drones or robots. Now they are building with impunity. Well, they lied. When WWIII starts, it will be a drone/robot war.

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Definitive List Of When Can Law Enforcement Look At Your Devices

In the age of total surveillance and while there is still a Constitution in place, it is important to know your rights and your vulnerabilities. Police frequently have memory lapses but you should not. Technocrats who push for your data infrequently have any concern for your privacy or rights.

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New Portable DNA Scanner Gives Results In 90 Minutes

Two years ago, TN predicted that portable DNA scanners would hit the market and be instantly snapped up by police departments. The barrier to privacy has been completely demolished and laws will soon require routine testing for any citation. Initially, law enforcement is using the tech for crime scene analysis of DNA material.

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