Articles by Alternate Author

Credit Suisse Prediction: China Will Win The A.I. Race

Credit Suisse is one of the biggest and most influential banks in the world. Their assessment is correct because China has no data privacy laws and can do anything they it wants with the big data that it is collecting on every citizen. AI has two ingredients: first, the big data and second, the A.I. algorithms to analyze it.

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Warning: EPA Approves Population Control Vaccine For Deer

This is crazy and foolish to release these vaccines into the wild, where they will pollute ground and ground water when the animals die. Further, if scientists can make population control vaccines for animals, what is to stop them from making a vaccine for humans as well? Technocrat minds are twisted when it comes to the human race, because they view people as animals and nothing more.

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Snowden: The NSA Is Hunting Down Senders And Receivers Of Bitcoin

There are crooks and then there are lots of normal and innocent people who deal with Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. The digital bloodhounds at the NSA took it as a challenge to hunt them all down and track their activity. This required new tools and techniques. You may think that your crypto-wallet is safe and private, but that perception will crumble once you know that the NSA is on your heels.

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New York Post: The World Is Descending Into Tyranny

The author of this story recognizes the obvious descent into tyranny, but not that the tyranny itself is Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development.  Jinping, Putin, Erdogan and other dictators are head-over-heels in support of Sustainable Development. China is most clearly a Technocracy. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President in 1933, one year after Technocracy was founded at Columbia University, early Technocrats called for him to declare himself dictator in order to implement Technocracy. This is the best way to kick-start Technocracy because a dictator has no pesky resistance to get in his way, as in China, Russia or Turkey.

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China’s New Central Bank Head Is US-Trained Technocrat

The new head of China's Central Bank received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois and was a professor of economics at Indiana University in Indianapolis. In other words, he is a product of America as much as China. Bloomberg calls him a Technocrat. The picture of Xi Jinping as omnipotent dictator may have sprouted some puppet strings.

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The Guardian: No One Can Pretend Facebook Is just Harmless Fun Any More

The new normal for investigative technique is "Follow the data, follow the power." The content of this article and video must be understood and internalized to understand how society is being manipulated by those who possess data power. Like the world of money, the data world is cutthroat and secretive.

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Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb Has Been Officially Defused

Malthus was short-sighted and Paul Ehrlich was a fool to apply his science of entomology (the study of insects) to human population. However, both had a mind stained by Scientism, which holds that discoverable truth is only found through science. Today's fact is that the birth rate is falling like a rock.

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Raleigh Police Demands That Google Provide User Data For ALL People Near Crime Scenes

Technocrat police in Raleigh know that Google has location data on virtually everyone in society, so they are demanding the release of data on every person in geographic proximity of certain crime scenes. This dragnet-style policing is patently unconstitutional and probably illegal if viewed by a Constitutional court. Unfortunately, Technocrats don't care about the Constitution or the Rule of Law.

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