Articles by Alternate Author

Travel Bans In China For Citizens With Bad ‘Social Credit’ Rating

Dictator-for-life Xi Jinping resides over the world's largest Technocracy that is praised and emulated by the global elite who champion Technocracy. Americans should have the greatest alarm that this policy of “once untrustworthy, always restricted” is exactly the same mentality that is being implemented in our own country. Read this short article very carefully!

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Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As “Social Media”

"Follow the data, follow the power." Technocrats make themselves known when vast amounts of data are vacuumed up, not necessarily for the sake of making sense of anything, but merely for the collecting and hoarding of data. This is the hallmark of Technocracy. All of the major social media platforms have been coopted to provide data to whomever will pay for it.

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DHS/Fusion Centers Co-Opted To Spy On Patriots Concerned About Islam

During the Obama years, several Muslim individuals were placed into high-level positions at the DHS and who were also formative in the creation of Fusion Centers all over the U.S. The stated purpose of the Fusion Center initiative was to deter terrorism, but later government studies showed a complete failure to live up to its original mission. Despite being publicly discredited, Fusion Centers are still in full operation today, and it seems that another purpose-for-existence has surfaced: To spy on citizen activists who are concerned about Islam.

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Smart Cities: Fulfilling The Promise Of Technology In Local & State Government

As economic uncertainty and turmoil spread throughout the world, Technocrats call for the demise of Free Enterprise and Capitalism and salvation through implementation of technology and Technocracy. Virtually all underlying assumptions are flawed, if not altogether false. 

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5G Rollout Will Unlock Smart Cities, Internet Of Everything

Urban planners intend to hardwire 5G into the fabric of smart cities in order to achieve maximum efficiency, environmental sustainability and cost savings. Sensors everywhere will collect real-time data on everything that moves or functions, providing real-time modeling with artificial intelligent algorithms.

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Hotshot Tech Mogul Accused Of ‘Massive $700 Million Fraud’ By SEC

This 34-year old pathological Technocrat lied her way to fame and fortune and scored a $700 million fraud that could have dealt her a lifetime prison sentence, but instead, the SEC slapped her on the wrist and set her free. At one time, she was considered the youngest self-made billionaire in Silicon Valley. Where else does such abject fraud exist in Silicon Valley?

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Humanzees: The Push To Make Human-Chimp Hybrids

Technocrats of all stripes have such a low view of humanity that there are no boundaries in tinkering with genetic restructuring just for the thrill of doing so. This is ultimately based on the religion of Scientism which posits that all truth is exclusively discovered through science.

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