Articles by Alternate Author

Singapore Rated Top In Rank Among Global Smart Cities

Dr. Parag Khanna, professor at Yew School for Public Policy in Singapore, rightly claims that Singapore is a Technocracy. Note that Smart Cities means a) autonomous transportation, b) remote healthcare, c) cameras and surveillance and d) cashless economy. Singapore truly has applied the "science of social engineering".

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TSA Increasing Searches Of Laptops, Cell Phones On Domestic Flights

The Technocrats at the TSA don't care one iota about the 4th Amendment which states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." What is unclear about this? If you are challenged, simply tell them 'No' and let them arrest you - then charge them with false imprisonment and violation of your Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

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Trump’s National Security Team Building New 5G Network To Avoid… Chinese Spies?

Qualcomm, Broadcom, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. are the implementers of 5G, not the Trump Administration or any other government body. The Technocrat threat isn't so much China, but rather our own government who want to control untold masses of data to be collected through the Internet of Everything. Who is kidding whom here?

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Amazon Brings Scientific Dictatorship To Whole Foods And Punishes Suppliers

Amazon Technocrat overlords are punishing Whole Foods' vendors by demanding that they change their business practices to match Amazon's, and they are being charged for the privilege. This article points out that it's about data and Amazon wants all of it. If the food brokers don't want to be slaves to Amazon, they will quit selling to Whole Foods and drive Amazon out of the food industry.

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Scientists: Climate Change ‘Impacts Women More Than Men’

Men and women are approximately equal in population, and their fates are completely intertwined.  How can anyone come to the logical conclusion that women have the short end of the stick on climate change? Answer: They don't! UN ideologues treat men and women as different races, hoping to spur division and conflict, but they are NOT different races.

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Total Surveillance: The Future Of 5G-Powered Smart Cities

The revolutionary 5G technology for cellular connections is inert as any other technology, but Smart-City planners see the opportunity to use it for total surveillance and micro-management of society.  As Michael Bloomberg said, "It you cannot measure it, you cannot control it."

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Google Providing AI Technology To Defense Department’s Algorithmic Warfare

Google censors everyone not sympathetic to its Technocrat ideology, but has no problem working with fellow Technocrats at the Department of Defense. In his farewell speech, President Dwight Eisenhower warned America about the Military-Industrial Complex and then about the Scientific Elite exerting power over society. This story indicates that they have merged together quite naturally.

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Smart Grid, Smart Structures Key To Lifting World Out Of Poverty

The Technocrat's solution to every problem known to man is technology and more technology. This is a false premise from the start because there is no demonstrable evidence that it is true. In other words, dreamers who imagine the future do not create reality merely because they imagine it.

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