Articles by Alternate Author

Scientists: Now Using Pig Organs For Transplants Into Humans

Technocrat scientists see no risk to humans when substituting pig organs for human organ transplants, which they claim are 'functionally similar'. To qualify, the pigs must first be tested for 40 different kinds of viruses to prevent unwanted infections. There will be no widespread testing before this practice becomes routine.

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Warning: China Is Close To Complete Domination Over 5G And Internet Of Things

China's Technocrats are playing chess with a far-reaching strategy to dominate the system of Globalization, while America plays checkers, worrying about the next 'hop'. If the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) does not block the Qualcomm takeover, China will move into the vacuum and dominate the industry.

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China Providing ‘Strings Attached’ Academic Financing To Force Censorship In America

The Chinese are very clever to weaponize capital in order to achieve devious ends. In this case, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) funds selected academic institutions or projects in order to coerce them into self-censorship according to Chinese policies. Congress should block such funding.

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First Artificial Meat, Now Artificial Milk- All Without Cows

Lab-produced milk will soon become a ubiquitous part of the food chain without labeling requirements because it is already declared to be GMO-fee. However, the yeast that makes the milk proteins is tricked into doing so because of clever genetic modification. There is no guarantee that the resulting milk protein is 100% identical to a cow's milk.

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Tech Is Transforming Millennials Into A Generation Of Hunchbacks

In the formative years between 12 and 24, skeletal structures are still maturing. Constantly looking down at cell phones and tablets is becoming a scourge to spine health, to which MDs and Chiropractors are testifying. Parents: explain this to your kids and don't let them make a habit of looking down at their electronic devices for extended periods of time.

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UN’s New Urban Agenda In Latin America Calls For Paradigm Shift

The main outcome of Habitat III held in October 2016, was  "the adoption of the final New Urban Agenda (NUA) document as the new mandate for the development of cities and human settlements during the next 20 years." The U.N. is now meddling with Latin America to impose its Technocratic tyranny on unsuspecting city-dwellers.

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Wowsa! Smart Cities Market Worth $2.57 Trillion By 2025

Smart City investment and infrastructure is instrumental in forming a full-blown Technocracy, enabling micro-management of people, systems and societal directions. There is a global frenzy for the money being spent, but most of it will go to giant multinational corporations like GE, Siemens, Nvidia, Cisco, etc. This is not the future that people have chosen, but they will trapped in it nonetheless

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In China, ‘Social Credit’ System Forces Citizens Into Submission To The State

When your personal data turns bad, whether real or imagined, China will basically ex-communicate you from the good life, and they have already done this to tens of millions of detractors. This is as effective as Tiananmen Square slaughter, but was implemented slowly so people never had a clue what was happening to them. Now, they are trapped, shunned, penalized and in some cases, destitute.

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