Articles by Alternate Author

Some People Are Not Having Children Because Of Climate Change

It is sad that so many young couples have bought the lie of over-population and then drunk the cool-aid of action to not have any children. This not only terminates their own family tree, but denies one of the greatest pleasures in life. Technocracy is cruel in using science to achieve such social outcomes.

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China Launches Electromagnetic Rail ‘Supergun’ On Naval Warship

Technocrats in China have been in a hotly contested technological arms race for at least 20 years now. The introduction of the 'rail gun' on warships will change the face of warfare for decades to come; just read this article to understand its capabilities. US military Technocrats will certainly answer the challenge with their own version of a 'supergun'.

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DARPA: ‘Sea Hunter’ Drone Ship Joins U.S. Navy Fleet

DARPA is a hotbed of Technocrats who push the science and engineering of automated weapons and advanced 'super-soldiers'. Sea Hunter is unarmed, but the Navy is already anticipating flotillas of armed vessels. China and Russia counterparts are in hot pursuit.

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Amazon Opens First Completely Automated Grocery Store

Amazon Go stores will spread throughout the continent, but shoppers had better beware that every conceivable move they make will be recorded and analyzed. This includes your mood, how long you look at an item, it you pick it up and put it back, and all other metrics of your shopping trip. Of course, they know exactly who you are because it is tied to your smart phone, and they can apply any other public data about you to your profile.

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Amazon Patents Wristband That Tracks Warehouse Workers’ Every Movement

Amazon already treats low-paid employees like human robots, but this potential invention will control hand and body movements using AI. To Amazon, humans will have to do until robots reach peak intelligence and mobility and replace human workers altogether.

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