Articles by Alternate Author

Security Fears Spark Crackdown On Chinese Tech

What technology was not freely given to them by the Western elite was stolen from universities, government offices and laboratories by hacking, espionage and physical theft. Now U.S. officials are finally figuring out that the Chinese don't really like America and are blanketing us with return technology that has all kinds of back doors for increased spying and cyber-warfare. China is a Technocracy bent on dominating the world.

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University Professor Of Computer Science Mines Facebook Data On Conservatives For Antifa

A purely Technocratic proposition with a shameless Technocrat: Collect all data by whatever means without regard to legality, ethics or morality. The problem with Squire's rogue intel operation is that her data not reliable and routinely nets normal conservative voters. Once such data is released to Antifa, it can be used for whatever evil intent it may have.

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Forget About Siri And Alexa – The ‘NSA Reigns Supreme’ in Voice Identification

Why are listening sensors being installed in light poles, bus stops and cameras all over smart cities? “As soon as you can identify someone’s voice, you can immediately find them whenever they’re having a conversation.." Technocrats rely on total surveillance for comprehensive social engineering of the entire population.

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John Coleman: Vocal Opponent Of Global Warming Science Passes At 83

Legendary meteorologist and weather broadcasting pioneer John Coleman passed in Las Vegas at the age of 83. He was a fierce opponent of fake global warming science, which he called a 'scam' and a 'hoax'. The Al Gore's and Bill Nye's of the world will rejoice that he is dead because he won't be calling them out any longer.

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Battle Growing Against Silicon Valley To Expose Extreme Leftist Bias

In a desperate maneuver to deflect attacks, Silicon Valley is attempting to blame such attacks on the so-called 'Alt-Right', which they say is fueled by racists, neo-Nazis and Fascists, and lump all other critics in with these groups. This could not be further from the truth as rank-and-file conservatives from all walks of life are the real protestors against Silicon Valley over-reach.

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The Hill: It’s Time To Take Our Privacy Back From Tech Companies

Game on. More and more people are realizing that 'Big Tech' is totally committed to destroying privacy for every citizen, and that something must be done to stop them before it's too late. They are not going to give up easily, however, because Technocrats hate politicians.

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Western Companies Bow To China Bullying To Censor Mentions Of Taiwan, Tibet As Separate Countries

China's repressive Technocracy is now reaching outside of its own borders to bully any corporation or travel site that refers to Taiwan, Tibet or Hong Kong as sovereign countries. Western companies are bowing down to China in full compliance. China would not get away with this except that they exert tremendous trade pressure throughout the whole planet, so non-compliance would be met with financial loss.

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Scientist Flip-Flop: Worst-Case Global Warming Scenarios Are Not Credible

Some global warming scientists are back-peddling on their most extreme predictions on global warming, but still refuse to abandon the premise that man is is the primary cause of global warming, or that the earth is most likely headed into a cooling cycle. This Technocrat position is essentially anti-human because humans always end up taking the blame for whatever happens.

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