Articles by Alternate Author

Secretary Of The Interior Orders First-Ever National Survey Of Critical Minerals

In keeping with Public-Private Partnerships, Secretary Zinke has ordered an inventory of all mineral resources on public and private land in the U.S. When he states "Other nations are far ahead of us with mapping of their mineral resources, leading to private sector investment overseas rather than right here at home", note that his eye is on private sector investment.

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Secretary Of The Interior: Public-Private Partnerships Will Blanket All Public Lands

In 2016, the UN convened the Third International Conference on Financing for Development and stated "both public and private investment have key roles to play in infrastructure financing, including through public private partnerships”. It is now clear that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is playing directly into the hands of the United Nations.

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Scientists: Man-Made DNA To Create Semi-Synthetic Strain Of Bacteria

There is no ethical debate taking place in public view that argues the case against using synthetic DNA to create life-forms not found in nature. In our opinion, it is patently insane because once established in a gene strain, it becomes permanent and thus replicates indefinitely. What is the impact on other life forms, including humans? Nobody can possibly know. 

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Hong Kong Sees STEM Education As Key To It’s ‘Smart City’ Plan

STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is key to the implementation of Smart City urban planning because technology enables the whole social engineering project. The natural demand for STEM education falls short of necessary and 'skilled' workers to create and maintain smart cities

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76 Million Smart Meters Have Been Deployed Across U.S.

Smart Meters are instruments of surveillance that can monitor household and business activities with precision, based on patterns of power consumed. Control over energy production and distribution was an original goal of Technocracy in the 1930s. Currently, 60% of America is blanketed with these meters.

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Scientist: Robots And Humans Can Make Babies, Create Hybrid Species

Shades of Huxley's Brave New World where all embryos are created artificially and then incubated in mechanical wombs until 'birth'. In Brave New World, sex was purely recreational and everybody 'owned' everybody else; human pregnancy was forbidden. Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is any reason for it.

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Peter Thiel Bankrolls Floating Startup Nation In South Pacific

Thiel is a Libertarian, Transhuman, Technocrat, steering-committee member of Bilderberg and now creator of his own South-Pacific nation, financed in part by crypto-currency. The smart nation will be the epitome of 'sustainable' urban planning.' There will be no laws or moral codes that constrain technological development.

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Assisted Suicide Laws Are Creating A ‘Duty-To-Die’ Medical Culture

United Nations zealots claim that planet earth can only sustain a population of 600-800 million people, but they never declare how to get rid of the other 6.5 billion. The demographic charts are already in steep decline because of reduced birth-rates, and now assisted suicide is attacking the elder side of the population equation. The proposition is when you are consuming a disproportionate amount of resources during your end-of-life struggles, then it is you duty to die.

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